Look, I'm not going to advocate for people to be censored (like the d-bags that ruined DM), nor am I going to lecture anybody. I will only say that this website has the opportunity to become a REAL and UNFILTERED alternative to DM. The problem is that a few folks on here insist on turning threads into name-calling and 8th-grade-level cursing contests, or just an opportunity to 'zing' other people. I'll be the first to say that at times I've been guilty of that BS as well. I guess my only suggestion is that some folks should decide if they want this to become the website that ALL OF US have described at one time or another - a place of INTELLIGENT analysis where INTENSE criticism and UNSCRIPTED opinion is welcome - or do we want HH to be just a place of one-liners, biting insults, and contests to tear down others. I realize that it's often both, but I tend to agree with this guy that it tilts a little too much toward the latter. Just a thought. Peace. Now fire away.
FO, rightfielderJ