Markets always drop leading up to elections ... we're a little early for this Presidential one. China was always known to be a bit overheated and it is playing itself out. Add to it some overvaluations and there's a good chance that you are going to have a bubble bursting a bit in the next 2-4 months.
For those that had their Bleenor radar on and could see this coming, it's a great time to watch the market overcorrect itself in the other direction as people panic and sell off allowing the patient people to jump in the market and take advantage of lower valuations.
BRB, Beeks is on the line giving me an update on the frozen concentrated orange juice market ...
Heads going to roll in China. That company had thousands of tons of explosive chemicals they were not licensed to store. 10 executives have been detained by the commies. A hundred fire fighters were killed and they were untrained teenagers, so villagers have got their pitchforks out.
Experts theorize the untrained firefighter recruits caused the secondary explosions by shooting their water hoses all over the hot spot.
Markets always drop leading up to elections ... we're a little early for this Presidential one. China was always known to be a bit overheated and it is playing itself out. Add to it some overvaluations and there's a good chance that you are going to have a bubble bursting a bit in the next 2-4 months.
For those that had their Bleenor radar on and could see this coming, it's a great time to watch the market overcorrect itself in the other direction as people panic and sell off allowing the patient people to jump in the market and take advantage of lower valuations.
BRB, Beeks is on the line giving me an update on the frozen concentrated orange juice market ...
Terrible analysis. Election?
Growth is spotty at home, shitastic abroad, and interest rates are going up.
but shop around. I hear there is a new Bass Pro Shop in Tacoma.
For those that had their Bleenor radar on and could see this coming, it's a great time to watch the market overcorrect itself in the other direction as people panic and sell off allowing the patient people to jump in the market and take advantage of lower valuations.
BRB, Beeks is on the line giving me an update on the frozen concentrated orange juice market ...
Experts theorize the untrained firefighter recruits caused the secondary explosions by shooting their water hoses all over the hot spot.
Growth is spotty at home, shitastic abroad, and interest rates are going up.
There needs to be a repricing of assets.