“I started off making $7.40, they gave me a manager position and raised that to $7.75. When they took my manager position, they dropped me back down to $7.40, and I have two kids to put on top of that that I’m trying to support. And the ends still doesn’t meet so no, it’s not a comfortable living,” he said".
So, get a better job. I had a job 20 some years ago that paid like $6.25 an hour and that wasn't enough so I got another one that paid $10 and worked both of them. Not that hard if you're willing to work and are smart enough to leverage things you learn along the way to find new and better jobs. Of course that was in THAT economy not THIS economy.
Only if you want to over pay
So, get a better job. I had a job 20 some years ago that paid like $6.25 an hour and that wasn't enough so I got another one that paid $10 and worked both of them. Not that hard if you're willing to work and are smart enough to leverage things you learn along the way to find new and better jobs. Of course that was in THAT economy not THIS economy.