South African businessman Tokyo Sexwale, a member of FIFA's discrimination task force, has been tipped as a possible candidate. Sexwale was promoted by Blatter in May to broker better relations between the Israeli and Palestinian football bodies.
Formed in the wintry depths of 2007, Tokyo Sexwhale was born a child of nostalgia, quickly outgrowing it's diapers to don the jumpsuit of a true rock band. Sharpened by the whetstone of improvisation, this four-manimal sets out to make surf rock relevant again by injecting its putrid corpse with liquefied adrenal gland. Bringing his Eastern European cage-fighting skills, Stefan Krstovic funks around percussively, keeping time like orange clockwork, laying the groundwork for a sound that comes from a quadro in number only. Driving "The Whale" is Nicolas Mirsky who has the licks and the logs to lay the lumber with his six-stringed rock rumbler, paying homage to the originators of the surf guitar. Influenced by everything from funk to lightning storms to deep-sea creatures, Thew caresses the black and whites to whip up tasty treats for the masses to munch on whilst creating a cosmospherical soundscape hitherto unknown. Tyler Carr, when not donating musical equipment to the wicked in the dead of night, brings his skills and scales to his famous four string freshwater flounder, henceforth completing the anatomy of the Whale in all its mammalian grandeur. Rooted in original surf, and creating authentic originals, Tokyo Sexwhale looks to energize and creatively open SE Michigan's fourth eye to the splendors of a truly tumultuous torrent of tonal tweakings and tyraids. Surf's up, hoes down.