priapism Posts: 824 August 3 PAC Championship: Trojans over the D#cks
Norte: 1 Duck - How to beat the Ducks? Blast and injure their QB every fucking time he fakes to hand off the ball/doesn't hand off the ball to the RB. But classy teams don't do this. 2 Furd - Skill spots keep getting noticeably slower... 3 UW/Cal - UW beats Cal, Utah, OSU, and WSU = 4-5, butt plungered in the 5 PAC losses. 6 OSU/WSU - Coaching transition is going to be very ugly at OSU with that shitty talent base. Both OSU and WSU will have 0-3 wins.
1 USC - Sark gets In and Out to 12 victories with no wife and kids to distract him from pounding his new Lifestyles through the South. 2 Ari - How to bubble screen to 2nd place. 3 ASU- meh 4 UCLA - Mora's drama snags him a Midol sponorship offer. 5 Utah - Last year for Whittingham as his QB concusses through another season and dies in his farewell return game just back from concussion. I've read you get major brain damage each concussion after your 3rd concussion...Travis will try to be different tho. 6 Colorado - +1 for everyone else.
Nothing to see here.
Fuck off Sigmund Freud.
He picked USC to win the south and said he thinks they will be good