The earth is warmer and that's a fact. We can argue semantics over why, whether it's human caused, natural cycle, or both. The hilarious part is the people that think we are in a 17 year cooling period.
I thought it was climate change, not global warming?
The earth is warmer and that's a fact. We can argue semantics over why, whether it's human caused, natural cycle, or both. The hilarious part is the people that think we are in a 17 year cooling period.
I thought it was climate change, not global warming?
The earth is warmer and that's a fact. We can argue semantics over why, whether it's human caused, natural cycle, or both. The hilarious part is the people that think we are in a 17 year cooling period.
I thought it was climate change, not global warming?
Suddenly, your posting history makes a lot more sense
The earth is warmer and that's a fact. We can argue semantics over why, whether it's human caused, natural cycle, or both. The hilarious part is the people that think we are in a 17 year cooling period.
I thought it was climate change, not global warming?
Suddenly, your posting history makes a lot more sense
Yeah... climate change is just a myth... or it is due to the volcanos and solar flares...
Are you aware of this past winter in the NE? Or does global warming only affect the PNW?
It's called climate change, and once you understand that, you'll be able to answer the first part of your question yourself.
Because you dumbfucks changed the name when you realized you were full of shit.
The cry of the IQ < 100 crowd "oh look... a snow flake... the scientists were wrong!!... burp..."
Multivariable models for things like economics, atmospheric sciences, complex dynamics are often not linear in output. That doesn't mean that fluctuations in the trend... negate the trend.
I didn't understand this post. Fuck off for making me feel stupid.
Even one of the leading climatologists in the Country says the weather in the PNW right now has nothing to do with climate change.
This. Its stupid to take one local point and extrapolate...the NW has been hot and the NE has been relatively cool. Whoopty effin doo.
I do find if amusing quoting a news source from one of the largest oil and gas producers as to how we need to deal with "climate change". Those guys have to be laughing their ass off as to how dumb some folks over here are.
Yeah... climate change is just a myth... or it is due to the volcanos and solar flares...
No, you dumbfuck, climate change isn't a myth. It is generally accepted there have been five Ice Ages in the planet's history. Which means it got really cold five times and really hot five times.
When it got really hot, the dinosauers flourished. When it got really cold, the dinosauers died.
What didn't happen before was a bunch of supposed experts bloviating about what man has done to cause it or what man can do to 'slow' it.
Climate change is going to happen. It's a matter of whether it is a couple thousand years or another 10,000 years before we are wiped out. Either way, I'm long fucking gone and any remnants of my sperm will be heavily diluted by Mexicans impregnating my descendants. So vote for Trump and buy another four years before that shit happens.
It's been a cold winter. It's been a hot summer. It's been a mild fall. It's been a rainy spring. Tornados in the Midwest. hurricanes on the coast. A lot of snow in the Northeast.
The earth is warmer and that's a fact. We can argue semantics over why, whether it's human caused, natural cycle, or both. The hilarious part is the people that think we are in a 17 year cooling period.
I thought it was climate change, not global warming?
I do find if amusing quoting a news source from one of the largest oil and gas producers as to how we need to deal with "climate change". Those guys have to be laughing their ass off as to how dumb some folks over here are.
When it got really hot, the dinosauers flourished. When it got really cold, the dinosauers died.
What didn't happen before was a bunch of supposed experts bloviating about what man has done to cause it or what man can do to 'slow' it.
Climate change is going to happen. It's a matter of whether it is a couple thousand years or another 10,000 years before we are wiped out. Either way, I'm long fucking gone and any remnants of my sperm will be heavily diluted by Mexicans impregnating my descendants. So vote for Trump and buy another four years before that shit happens.
All climate change.
So fuck some broads before your penis melts and STFU