My favorite part, is their sick obsession with Kim Grinolds. It's like, 90% of them still subscribe to Dawgman just so they can understand all the little in-jokes and make fun of him. They are literally paying $120 a year to pay that man's salary while Derek Johnson begs and pleads small, piece of shit dives bars in Edmonds and ticket scalping sights for advertising revenue all begging his people to "donate" to his site or buy his books.... all so that they can laugh, and mock Dawgman...which they still PAY $120 a years for. and they think I'm the stupid one.
My favorite part, is their sick obsession with Kim Grinolds. It's like, 90% of them still subscribe to Dawgman just so they can understand all the little in-jokes and make fun of him. They are literally paying $120 a year to pay that man's salary while Derek Johnson begs and pleads small, piece of shit dives bars in Edmonds and ticket scalping sights for advertising revenue all begging his people to "donate" to his site or buy his books.... all so that they can laugh, and mock Dawgman...which they still PAY $120 a years for. and they think I'm the stupid one.
To be fair, you could probably pay $30 for 12 months at this point. Scout usually offers you two months for free not to unsubscribe (desperation anyone?). Plus Kim did his pathetic six for one deal a few months ago. Maybe if you weren't a total asshole to most of your customers and didn't make arbitrary rules and enforce them selectively, these things wouldn't be necessary. ) ) ) )
My favorite part, is their sick obsession with Kim Grinolds. It's like, 90% of them still subscribe to Dawgman just so they can understand all the little in-jokes and make fun of him. They are literally paying $120 a year to pay that man's salary while Derek Johnson begs and pleads small, piece of shit dives bars in Edmonds and ticket scalping sights for advertising revenue all begging his people to "donate" to his site or buy his books.... all so that they can laugh, and mock Dawgman...which they still PAY $120 a years for. and they think I'm the stupid one.
I miss TicketMonster eating up all the bandwidth, getting the dates and times wrong for all our games, and just completely fucking up the site for everyone.
My favorite part, is their sick obsession with Kim Grinolds. It's like, 90% of them still subscribe to Dawgman just so they can understand all the little in-jokes and make fun of him. They are literally paying $120 a year to pay that man's salary while Derek Johnson begs and pleads small, piece of shit dives bars in Edmonds and ticket scalping sights for advertising revenue all begging his people to "donate" to his site or buy his books.... all so that they can laugh, and mock Dawgman...which they still PAY $120 a years for. and they think I'm the stupid one.
I miss TicketMonster eating up all the bandwidth, getting the dates and times wrong for all our games, and just completely fucking up the site for everyone.
My favorite part, is their sick obsession with Kim Grinolds. It's like, 90% of them still subscribe to Dawgman just so they can understand all the little in-jokes and make fun of him. They are literally paying $120 a year to pay that man's salary while Derek Johnson begs and pleads small, piece of shit dives bars in Edmonds and ticket scalping sights for advertising revenue all begging his people to "donate" to his site or buy his books.... all so that they can laugh, and mock Dawgman...which they still PAY $120 a years for. and they think I'm the stupid one.
I miss TicketMonster eating up all the bandwidth, getting the dates and times wrong for all our games, and just completely fucking up the site for everyone.
Now can someone post the clip of Kim a few months ago saying Browning would RS and Lindquist was the guy.