The question none of the Democrats or media outlets have asked is why gunmen, historically speaking, attack churches and school but bypass NRA meetings? Why do they target Fort Hood twice within a five years period while opening fire in Walmart remains unpopular?
I remember in 9th grade, when Columbine happened, one of my teachers had everyone write down how it made them feel and then he read them anonymously. I wrote "I don't feel anything. I don't know those people, it doesn't affect me".
Now I don't think I'm some emotionless psychopath. I have empathy for people. I know what it's like to love someone and have them die. It sucks. But people die every day. Why are we only mourning the deaths that show up in news headlines? And more specifically that are American?
It seems like selfishness to me. It's not mourning, it's being scared that it could happen to you and dealing with that. Because when there's a genocide happening on the other side of the world, no one gives a fuck. Genocides are, usually, worse than 8 people dying (I did not fact check that).
I just find it annoying.
Even then, it's not a sure thing.
Is it because you're a little bitch and can't just not post photos you've been asked not to post?
I bet he finds YOU annoying.