The satirical DuckFighter Illustrated returns! With its searing insight, inside jokes and bad puns, it makes for entertaining reading. When it comes to the grizzled scribe known as Race Bannon, no cow is too sacred to be skewered. Most definitely to be read tongue-in-cheek.
I think it was. Phil Bleenor doesn't count the years that Holt was the DC. That means the two wins vs. USC and the Holiday Bowl win vs. Nebraska don't count as well.
Good for Phil Bleenor. He's a fucking asshole.
It would be good to assign a research team at DFI to determine how many years running "young team" appeared in mostly legit news reporting (eg., Seattle Times). I remember back in the 2000 season Ted whats-his-face was saying the team lacked experience here and there, which counts as "young." It's been every year since then, I think. Last year the team was sure young.
Continue to set the bar low and you to can win a gold medal.
i'd like to think that people reading DFI would understand that it's satire and would not need the disclaimer. or am I getting whooshed and that's part of the schtick?
Its for Section38
he has anal warts. (allegedly)
No, not being whooshed. Yes, most people reading it would figure it out quickly. But I'm not taking any chances in the early stages.