The gentleman in the car couldn't even open his eyes and his face was leaning/drooping.... he must be a threat to residents.
1. Let's point a gun at him and threaten to "smoke him." 2. Let's spray pepper spray into his face for 8 seconds; and 3. When you realize he was having a medical issue, blame-shift and rationalize.
DO a litle thinkin here Prius. Did u see the toxology report with thine eyelids? crack causes strokes asshat! Did you see the police report that stated he was in 5 different prison gangs? no??? u silly lil libs never report facts unless you twist em to fit ur queero race agenda! the police were just doin a job to protect and serve! They gotta protect themselves and their families! the criminal scumcunt shoulda obeyed the badge bitch! NOw off to guantamano with your terrorist ass! squeeze that lemon while they I hope they tortue u to confession all ur deepest faggy secrets u terroirst libturd scabber!!!
The gentleman in the car couldn't even open his eyes and his face was leaning/drooping.... he must be a threat to residents.
1. Let's point a gun at him and threaten to "smoke him." 2. Let's spray pepper spray into his face for 8 seconds; and 3. When you realize he was having a medical issue, blame-shift and rationalize.
Got it.
Why was he driving in that neighborhood in the first place?
1. Let's point a gun at him and threaten to "smoke him."
2. Let's spray pepper spray into his face for 8 seconds; and
3. When you realize he was having a medical issue, blame-shift and rationalize.
Got it.