The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) interrupted an extremely lewd party early this morning in a luxurious residence of the Presidio Heights neighborhood, arresting 71 people and seizing two boars and eight emus.
According to SFPD spokesman, Lieutenant Doug Haroldson, officers were dispatched on the site around 4 AM this morning after some neighbors complained about loud music and “wild animals running on their yard”.
Lt Haroldson says the first policemen who arrived described the scene as “a mix between an orgy and a circus freak show” and immediately called for backup.
A reply
According to SFPD spokesman, Lieutenant Doug Haroldson, officers were dispatched on the site around 4 AM this morning after some neighbors complained about loud music and “wild animals running on their yard”.
Lt Haroldson says the first policemen who arrived described the scene as “a mix between an orgy and a circus freak show” and immediately called for backup.
@puppylove_sugarsteel ??
why is it the wife's dog that always does that?
*When you ask Jake Browning to help you with your proposal.