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Super double-secret surprise silent commit
Doogman is aflutter with guesses now that a commit's father has posted that Romar has a super secret commit that the public doesn't know about yet.
The only clue he's dropped (after being inundated with pleading and groveling) is that it's an international recruit.
Hopefully Romar isn't using those slimy overseas agents that Few uses. He's already tried hiring family members. The shoe game can't be far behind. What will Bleanor think of his "man of integrity"?
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why do you hate abundance?
I would love to see Romar pull that off... just to say he can... and... fuel the fire of Cuog hatred.
Fuck me. This is more stupid than the 7-6>7-6>7-6>7-6 bullshit. And onto football. You'd think with doogman being a Husky football site, the CEO, F3 and Bleenor would put their football expertise on display with an in-depth analysis of the 'spring game' over the weekend and give their thoughts...which they certainly did. But it wasn't concerning which players have most improved their hip swivel in the offseason. They had a full breakdown, all right. Along with other disappointed doogs, of how they weren't being catered to at the game, the format was boring, Bleenor had to pay for parking and to top it all off, Peterman wasn't in a talkative mood after the game. It was also not Nebraska fan classy that he didn't wish Miley the best in the offseason during his interview. Then some doog named huskylawyer, whose avatar is a picture of his supposed wife's ass that he wants everyone to see, even said some people at the ticket office booth even tried to sell him tickets! How fucking awful that must have been. And they didn't even have good attitudes about it. Plus, to add insult to injury, he didn't enjoy the 40 yard dash contest AND "concessions brought their B team" (direct quote, I swear) so he had to wait in line 5 whole minutes for a hot dog. It's just not fun anymore, guys.
Rend mig. Dette er dummere end 7-6> 7-6> 7-6> 7-6 bullshit. Og på fodbold. Man skulle tro med doogman er en Husky fodbold site, den administrerende direktør, vil F3 og Bleenor sætte deres fodbold ekspertise på skærm med en dybdegående analyse af "forår spil 'i weekenden og giver deres tanker ... som de helt sikkert gjorde. Men det var ikke om, hvilke spillere har mest forbedret deres hofte svirvel i offseason. De havde en fuldstændig opdeling, okay. Sammen med andre skuffede doogs, om hvordan de ikke blev taget hensyn til på spillet, formatet var kedeligt, Bleenor skulle betale for parkering og til top det alle off, Peterman var ikke i en snakkesalig humør efter kampen. Det var også ikke Nebraska fan classy, at han ikke ønskede Miley bedste i offseason under sit interview. Så nogle Doog opkaldt huskylawyer, hvis avatar er et billede af hans formodede kones røv, at han ønsker alle at se, selv sagde nogle mennesker på billetkontoret booth selv forsøgt at sælge ham billetter! Hvor skide forfærdeligt, at må have været. Og de havde ikke engang gode holdninger om det. Plus, at føje spot til skade, han ikke nyde 40 yard dash projektkonkurrencen og "indrømmelser bragte deres B-hold" (direkte citat, jeg sværger), så han var nødt til at vente i linje 5 hele minutter for en hotdog. Det er bare ikke sjovt længere, gutter.
I can see Tom Rinaldi doing a piece on him for Gameday.