I once had a French teacher at the Alliance Francaise de Seattle that looked close to that. She would look over my shoulder at my papers and press her bosom against my shoulder. Great perfume.
Harry doesn't like hairy arms except on Harry. She looked better frontal - that ass is nothing special. Mind you, not that I wouldn't hit that hard from front or back...
Harry doesn't like hairy arms except on Harry. She looked better frontal - that ass is nothing special. Mind you, not that I wouldn't hit that hard from front or back...
Yeah I chose pictures to highlight the great things about her and not show the negatives. And I specifically went for her because of body type, I'd prefer a bigger ass, but that can be a polarizing issue. Mass appeal was what we needed and she has it in spades.
That was a good one. CollegeDoog was doing a nice job before this week. He got complacent after tasting a little success. We need someone who strives for excellence, week in and week out. Next week will be a real measuring stick to see if CollegeDoog is the guy.
I'm being interviewed by the Chicago Tribune tomorrow. I will be sure to tell them that I was on verge of great success here with the HHHotW, but didn't get the support I needed. If I'm in a chippy mood I may even play the race card.
I'm being interviewed by the Chicago Tribune tomorrow. I will be sure to tell them that I was on verge of great success here with the HHHotW, but didn't get the support I needed. If I'm in a chippy mood I may even play the race card.
What is that a newspaper? I didn't even know those still existed.
Excellent choice.
You guys bitchin about her hairy arms deserve to be served meat with
froma Tom Collins at a place called Power Tools in Sac Town.every other HH babe of week has been mediocre, except the one i posted hardcorehusky.com/forums/#/discussion/comment/16077