When can the cops start shooting? Ill have my popcorn ready:))))))))
Since when can blacks throw rocks at cops? Cops are so afraid to arrest a black person thanks to Mayor de Blasio, Ferguson,, al Sharpton, Eric Holder, Obama etc.. that laws dont apply anymore to the racist black community. Complete capitulation for fear of Black and liberal wrath.
if I threw a huge rock at a cop I would instantly be arrested. Blacks can get away with shooting at cops nowadays because Al Sharptounge will come to the rescue.
Arrest every one of these idiots now before nightfall when a bunch more gangstas show up to loot and shoot. Better yet start firing rubber bullets...if that doesn't work then bring out real bullets. Our cops are strangleheld, they cant do their job. We can thank liberal pussys like purple J and Thomashill for our new kinder, gentler police force.
What they are doing is despicable, pointless, and destructive.
But police gunning down people in the streets is not a solution, unless you wanna move to China.
China has law and order. What do we have? Get your partners cock out your ass and turn your fucking TV on Thomas.
Gun them all down before the blacks revolt, bring law & order back to baltimore.
As I've told you a million times before, you should move to China if it's so fucking wonderful there.
Seeing reality clearly. The PC poopiedoo, I dont partake. Your "passive policing" tactics are working well tommy, purple!
Better than mowing people down in the street.
How so Thomas? Im hearing you, just not hearing you. What a perfect opportunity for a police deterrent. You burn you burn! You throw rocks you get shot. You assault someone you get assaulted back...with a billy club and a gunshot to your forehead. That simple. You on board Thomas?
Seeing reality clearly. The PC poopiedoo, I dont partake. Your "passive policing" tactics are working well tommy, purple!
Better than mowing people down in the street.
How so Thomas? Im hearing you, just not hearing you. What a perfect opportunity for a police deterrent. You burn you burn! You throw rocks you get shot. You assault someone you get assaulted back...with a billy club and a gunshot to your forehead. That simple. You on board Thomas?
Seeing reality clearly. The PC poopiedoo, I dont partake. Your "passive policing" tactics are working well tommy, purple!
Better than mowing people down in the street.
How so Thomas? Im hearing you, just not hearing you. What a perfect opportunity for a police deterrent. You burn you burn! You throw rocks you get shot. You assault someone you get assaulted back...with a billy club and a gunshot to your forehead. That simple. You on board Thomas?
Seeing reality clearly. The PC poopiedoo, I dont partake. Your "passive policing" tactics are working well tommy, purple!
Better than mowing people down in the street.
How so Thomas? Im hearing you, just not hearing you. What a perfect opportunity for a police deterrent. You burn you burn! You throw rocks you get shot. You assault someone you get assaulted back...with a billy club and a gunshot to your forehead. That simple. You on board Thomas?
This is a [Obama's] third world dictatorship, not America.
I learn something new every day.
This is America, not a third world dictatorship.