My dad told me the following: -Lindquist is starting. He has the experience and confidence to overthrow out routes by 8 feet again. -McGary's footwork is still really bad. Needs another year. -Tufunga actually looks the part. -Ajamu is a fucking stud. -Browning looks to be good but needs a redshirt because his arm strength isn't there. He stands in the pocket and doesn't shit his pants though so that's a good sign. His delivery is kind of weird but very accurate. -#5 (Mathis?) playing the BUCK looked amazing. -Brandon Lewis also impressed.
I didn't hear this on TV or in interviews but apparently one of the coaches said at the game that they hate these spring circle jerks, basically see it as a waste of a practice because they can't show anything while on TV. Too many "squad" guys playing to get a grasp on the team also.
Basically it looks like I didn't miss anything by staying in the basement.
And what did your other dad say?
He was bitching at me to get off of Hardcore Husky and pick up the controller.
The PAC 12 I'm sure is fearing mighty Washington this year.... that shotgun offense is daunting.