Back to the original post.....if you think the minimum wage is supposed to be some living wage you can raise a family on your are shooting way to low. You need to get to 15-20 and mandate 40 hours. It about as stupid to argue for it as it is against it. Most people don't aspire to make a career out of a minimum wage. Its an entry level wage or a wage for teenagers and college students. Our President should be trying to fix the fucking economy. The middle class isn't built on making the minimum wage. Its built on good jobs that we don't have.
Glenn Beck Faux news Angry white men Racists
The above arguments are why KobeStopper hates liberals. If your stock reply is to call someone a racist you need gasoline and matches
Glenn Beck
Faux news
Angry white men
The above arguments are why KobeStopper hates liberals. If your stock reply is to call someone a racist you need gasoline and matches