Real religious scholars that I've met are actually quite intelligent, whereas d2d is one if the stupidest people I have the dissatisfaction of having to interact with daily. So I don't find religion as the problem per se, it's just the intolerant assholes who use it to further their own bullshit agendas.
Real religious scholars that I've met are actually quite intelligent, whereas d2d is one if the stupidest people I have the dissatisfaction of having to interact with daily. So I don't find religion as the problem per se, it's just the intolerant assholes who use it to further their own bullshit agendas.
One of the greatest benefits I derive from HH is that I actually get to find out what people in here really think. My assumptions have been reinforced in this thread.
Over the years, I have found that people who defrauded me for the most part were liberals and atheists. It's not surprising since they have no code of conduct for themselves. "The end justifies the means." They believe that economics is a zero sum game, so therefore the only way to get ahead is to steal what someone else has.
On the other hand it is extremely difficult for a devout person to be a narcissist, likewise a thief. Both contradict Judeo-Christian teaching.
Jecornel's view that non-religious states are the most educated is extremely simplistic. His view that the green states are somehow intellectually inferior is uninformed. Personally, I notice from the map that the green states are the ones that are the fastest growing.
Two of the most destructive trends in this country over the past 40 years are (1) the unionization of public school teachers, and (2) the unionization of government workers. Those trends are strongest in the non-religious states. In response to those trends people have voted with their feet and moved out of the non-religious states and into the religious states. The liberals would simplistically argue that those people are stupid. So be it.
I would argue that most of the people in here who agree with the liberals have never traveled to those dark green states. I have worked in several of them, and completely disagree.
Dr. Art Laffer is one of the smartest people I have ever met. He now lives in Tennessee. He wanted out of California but still wanted to be near a top notch university like Vanderbilt.
I also noticed the subject of intolerance being bandied about here. Growing up in Western Washington and attending UW and Law School here, there was tremendous intolerance shown to conservative thought. In fact it went way beyond intolerance. When liberals at UW and in Law School found a conservative, they were hated. I don't like liberals, but I don't hate them. I don't trust them because I find many of them to be completely without ethics. Therefore I avoid doing business with them.
Socialism and communism have been tried over and over again always with the same dismal results. Eventually you run out of other people's money. On the other hand, capitalism has eliminated more poverty than any other system in the history of the world. To argue otherwise is the definition of insanity.
This has been an extremely enlightening thread. Thank you for sharing your true feelings.
Wow. So all criminals are liberal or atheist. Conservatives have never stolen anything.
And read the definitions of communism or socialism. If you did,, you would agree no current politician is either.
One of the greatest benefits I derive from HH is that I actually get to find out what people in here really think. My assumptions have been reinforced in this thread.
Over the years, I have found that people who defrauded me for the most part were liberals and atheists. It's not surprising since they have no code of conduct for themselves. "The end justifies the means." They believe that economics is a zero sum game, so therefore the only way to get ahead is to steal what someone else has.
lol Just when I think you couldn't possibly type something dumber than the last time, you raise the bar again.
Are you fucking kidding me? If I had no code of conduct, you'd be feeding worms already, you fucking idiot. 85% of death row inmates identify themselves as Christians and 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians - so if someone murders you, they are likely to be a Christian. Terrific moral compasses you believers have. Let me guess - these murderers aren't "true" Christians - and it's up to you to define who is a "true" Christian and who isn't?
Let me make another guess - Dr. Laffer is the smartest guy you've met because you agree with him? You are so hard to figure out.
If UW Law graduated you, it should be burned to the ground. You aren't a lawyer who argues cases, are you?
I've been to most of the dark green states. Shit holes where folks act holier than thou while they buy gay porn and suck the tit of the federal government is what they are.
I'd say this thread is enlightening, too, if everyone didn't already know what a dumbfuck you are. But they do, so I guess no new news here, except how far you take dumbfuckery.
One of the greatest benefits I derive from HH is that I actually get to find out what people in here really think. My assumptions have been reinforced in this thread.
Over the years, I have found that people who defrauded me for the most part were liberals and atheists. It's not surprising since they have no code of conduct for themselves. "The end justifies the means." They believe that economics is a zero sum game, so therefore the only way to get ahead is to steal what someone else has.
lol Just when I think you couldn't possibly type something dumber than the last time, you raise the bar again.
Are you fucking kidding me? If I had no code of conduct, you'd be feeding worms already, you fucking idiot. 85% of death row inmates identify themselves as Christians and 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians - so if someone murders you, they are likely to be a Christian. Terrific moral compasses you believers have. Let me guess - these murderers aren't "true" Christians - and it's up to you to define who is a "true" Christian and who isn't?
Let me make another guess - Dr. Laffer is the smartest guy you've met because you agree with him? You are so hard to figure out.
If UW Law graduated you, it should be burned to the ground. You aren't a lawyer who argues cases, are you?
I've been to most of the dark green states. Shit holes where folks act holier than thou while they buy gay porn and suck the tit of the federal government is what they are.
I'd say this thread is enlightening, too, if everyone didn't already know what a dumbfuck you are. But they do, so I guess no new news here, except how far you take dumbfuckery.
I respect religious people a hell of a lot more than spiritual people. At least religion has something tangible to point to. Religion may be choose your own adventure nonsense but at least it's not just completely made up nonsense.
Butt still...
And read the definitions of communism or socialism. If you did,, you would agree no current politician is either.
Again, more lies.
Are you fucking kidding me? If I had no code of conduct, you'd be feeding worms already, you fucking idiot. 85% of death row inmates identify themselves as Christians and 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians - so if someone murders you, they are likely to be a Christian. Terrific moral compasses you believers have. Let me guess - these murderers aren't "true" Christians - and it's up to you to define who is a "true" Christian and who isn't?
Let me make another guess - Dr. Laffer is the smartest guy you've met because you agree with him? You are so hard to figure out.
If UW Law graduated you, it should be burned to the ground. You aren't a lawyer who argues cases, are you?
I've been to most of the dark green states. Shit holes where folks act holier than thou while they buy gay porn and suck the tit of the federal government is what they are.
I'd say this thread is enlightening, too, if everyone didn't already know what a dumbfuck you are. But they do, so I guess no new news here, except how far you take dumbfuckery.