The media and these faux outrages of the week are so fucking stupid. They prey on fucktards like hondo and collegedoog (RIP) who don't know what the actual law says and will never form an independent thought or do their own research. 19 other states have the exact same law, which contains no inherent discrimination whatsoever. All it fucking says is that if you own a business you have a right to refuse service. Which has pretty much always been the case in every state. How many local business have you been in with a sign that says we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone? Thousands, I'd presume. And if you happen to own a business and are stupid enough not to serve someone because they're gay, your business will probably suffer anyway. Which is the beauty of capitalism. But it's their fucking business. The law has nothing to do with discrimination but there hasn't been any shootings this week to blame on a racist white cop so this will tide people over for a while until there's something else the media can latch onto like #blacklivesmatter or #bringbackourgirls. It's called personal fucking liberty. If I own a business and decide I'm not going to serve people that are wearing red shirts, it's my right to be an idiot and it's my right to piss my money away.
More gawd, guns, and gays to distract the masses. There's probably some Wall St scheister robbing pensions blind while they pretend to take a stand on an issue people will forget in three weeks.
The gay mafia is in full effect.