If you are against Israel, go fuck yourself. Nothing is perfect, but they are the best thing the United States has going in the middle east. To suggest otherwise is beyond Bin Laden Fucking Stupid.
The US support of the Zionists and the Dictatorship (Kingdom) of Saudi Arabia are the two main reasons the Islamists have radicalized into terrorists. If you don't understand that, I hope you don't procreate. Our future depends on smarter people.
Your view is about as ignorant as Reagan's view when he was the last leader to support the apartheid government in South Africa -- because they were "our friend in the region".
Because they would sing kumbaya otherwise.
If only the Jews didn't exist we could all live a happy life. The fucking Jews are murdering peace. We need to exterminate them. Remove them from the planet. Only then will Islam show it's worldly benefit. Until then it's the zionist's fault.
A world without Jews is a world full of plump tits. Or plump dicks. Whichever you prefer!
TLDR: Fuck the jews they are smelly and bad and to blame for Islamic radicalism.
Are you having conversations with yourself?
BTW, nobody with a brain confuses hating Jews with lack of support for Zionism.
I have over 2k posts on mainly football related content. I only input on politics on this site when someone suggests something so outlandish it deserves to be dick slapped.
Where do you suggest placing the jews? If you want to be anti-zionist and for the jews I can't help you. That's the type of liberal terminology that gets us nowhere.
The Jews have been given a small plot of land in the most combustible region the modern world has seen. Recognize their independence or fight against them. There is no in between. Line in the sand, choose a side.
Times of Israel: Iran Deal Is ‘Incomprehensibly’ Bad
As Tehran hails ‘massive progress’ in talks, Jerusalem protests that regime ‘is working against American-Arab-Israeli interests without paying a price. As Iran hailed “massive progress” toward a deal on its nuclear program, an Israeli official described the terms of the looming agreement as “incomprehensibly” bad and rejected the Obama administration’s contention that it would keep the regime a year away from accumulating enough fissile material for a bomb.
(BTW, Obama is full of shit!)
Where do you suggest placing the jews? If you want to be anti-zionist and for the jews I can't help you. That's the type of liberal terminology that gets us nowhere.
The Jews have been given a small plot of land in the most combustible region the modern world has seen. Recognize their independence or fight against them. There is no in between. Line in the sand, choose a side.
It's that simple Hitler.