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CNN Hosts: Netanyahu And Right Wing Israelis Are ‘Racist’ Against Arabs. During coverage of the close Israeli election, CNN hosts Jake Tapper and Christiane Amanpour uncritically passed along allegations that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his Likud Party, and the Israeli right wing were racist against Arabs.
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The left is so fucking lazy that all they have left in the way of arguing is the race card. They are making the charge of racism irrelevant in their abject stupidity.
very racist
"Terrorist" = OUT? "Racist" = IN?
No Elvis fans? He voted for Bibi.
If you hate Israel as much as the Arab states you're a fucking idiot. Survival is what Israel is about - what's so hard to understand about that? Unless you're an anti-Semite and then it makes perfect sense.
Where are the cries of racism when it comes to the Arabs and Persians? No where. Because its a political ploy by the lazy left that can't come up wit ha decent argument as to why Israel should just march into the sea.
How is it racist?
Far-right Israelis aren't much better than the Arabs, unfortunately. Also, I don't agree that all Arabs should be placed in the same category as Hamas. The Israelis chose to live in a very bad neighborhood, and seized a small country using force and terrorism.
Now they act surprised when the people they have pushed off their land respond to military occupation by using force and terrorism.
I've spent a couple of years in the Arab world dealing directly with Arabs (Iraqis, not Palestinians) and I'm not a fan of those guys either.
But what Israel is doing isn't going to work forever. There needs to be a peace.
We should not be giving aid to terrorists.
Islam is a religion of peace after all...