Less interested in the rules that are more about what people sitting in a room want versus what actually makes the game better.
All for the changes in illegal man downfield penalties ... that was an obvious fix that needed to be cleaned up as it was becoming ridiculous.
Not really sure I see the point of the penalty on the defense for the helmet coming off - I get the reasoning behind it and wanting to penalize for not promoting safety, but it's such an arbitrary rule. If your helmet comes off and the ref catches it being as the result of a direct action/penalty from someone else, you're ok. If not, you're out for a play. The reality is that when you look at the replays on a high % of those plays it's the direct result of someone else with illegal hands to the face or whatnot and it just not being caught by the officials.
The unsportsmanlike penalty will turn into a joke ... they will almost always be offsetting and it's not going to solve anything. Not even sure what they are trying to solve here.
The one rule that needs to be revisited in college is the clock stopping on first downs. It's an archaic rule that was in place to help teams in end of game situations since hurry up situations weren't the forte of college QBs 30+ years ago. Now? Everybody runs a hurry up offense of some kind or another. It's just not something that needs to be in the game anymore IMO.
There's always a fine balance between too much and not enough scoring. A high scoring game can be a joy to watch as much as a low scoring game. Ultimately, it comes down to quality of play. The problem in college football right now is that plays are being devalued. TDs are too easy. Defenses are generally defenseless as the rules have been slanted to the offense for a while.
Disagree. Stopping the clock on a 1st down is quintessential college football. To tinker with that would be unforgivable. It also makes the ends of close games, generally, far more interesting than the NFL.
These are all still allowed here at Hardcore Husky in case you didn't know.
Example: Kim Grinolds is a gay, retarded piece of shit who need to gets his ghetto house ransacked by an illegal alien while he gets raped in the ass by a terrorist.
Would you say that if you knew YOUR WORDS HAVE POWER?
These are all still allowed here at Hardcore Husky in case you didn't know.
Example: Kim Grinolds is a gay, retarded piece of shit who need to gets his ghetto house ransacked by an illegal alien while he gets raped in the ass by a terrorist.
What the fuck happened to this country?
Latest outrage - Eagles calender has the racist wide out pictured in February on their calender.
If that is racism today the war is over and we fucking won
I dislike even more it is now a reviewable play.