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Fox should hire Brian Williams. Now's the time..
Ultimate way to spit in NBC and cnbc's red eye. Good way to get him to turn on NBC and all their left propoganda and blatant non-reporting of liberal news and overzealous reporting targeting the right. Take Billy O's slot, insert Hannity at 6 and slide Bill to 7:00 .
Imagine the ratings? Imagine the dent in liberal reporting and the truths that would emerge? Double Williams salary, it would pay for itself in 1 week.
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It has like a 98% accuracy rate that makes it pretty much the best source online. Yeah anyone can fuck with a topic randomly, but its self regulation is quite brilliant.
Continue slapping each other.
I still remember back in the day when the mayor of Charlotte bet Mitch in the morning they would win the NFC championship in 2005. He said he would give Mitch tickets to the UNC/Duke basketball game if the Hawks won. So the mayor wouldn't respond to their calls. A year later or some time, a listener somehow got the mayor on the phone with Mitch to talk about it. He welched on the bet and basically just said he did, not much he can do about it.
So listeners went onto his wiki page and changed it. They posted funny shit like he was a bed wetter and such. It was amazing how quickly it was changed back. For a page of some obscure mayor.
Does that mean everything is 100% perfect? Of course not. But at least I know the sourc and can verify it.
I know, cool story bro.