Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.
Racism alive and well in Liberal Seattle
Just tune into KJR at 10am weekdays.....You can also tune in to hear Hugh throughout the day to hear his hate speak.
Nothing like having racists as the face of UW football in the most educated city in the country.
Thanks purple sheet and pool boy.....Merry christmas!!!!!
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Little Jimi celebrates Husky and Seahawk wins, by calling people "racists.. . . . ..
. .. "because guess what those 2 teams have in common. . . . . "
he does that.
he's a fucking cunt.
it's awesome
Hugh just destroyed Russell Wilson in the preseason and throughout most of the season. Russell has a 100+ passer rating in the last 6 games. hugh has finally relented his total disrespect of Russell. Only because I am sure of purple sheet is Rich Green who has allowed it over the years.
His epic rants against Price, especially after the USC loss last year, was so off base it could have only been racially motivated. It's not difficult to figure out.
If you listened Hugh defend Jake for 4 years putting everything on the rest of the team and giving Jake a passing grade for that epic meltdown against Nebraska, and his other awful games.
Now its been KP's fault for everything, he ripped Russell for Seahawk losses, ignoring poor line play, no 2nd WR, awful play calling, defensive and special teams breakdowns.
Softy tows the line, doesn't challenge him. Softy also perpetuates stereotypes on his show and is clearly uneducated on what is appropriate.
Its not rocket science. The only show worth a listen is Mitch's. He gets it. He made the diddy, Hugh hates short QB's but that was code for Hugh hating black QB's. I won't even get into Tavaris Jackson.
Mind. Blown.
I wouldn't call Hugh a grand dragon, he displays unconscious racism. He doesn't understand that he is racist. It's common. I am sure he is nice guy, but people think he also is a guru analyst when he has been wrong about most everything for 5 plus years but people think he studies and studies game film and all this other jargon. The guy has whiffed so badly on Locker, and Wilson and PRice all last year, and has destroyed Price this year while ignoring multiple other factors.
He also been called out by players, Housh for example and Moon.
Wow- getting called out by Houshmanzada- that must be tough. Could it be because "Housh" ran shitty routes, and HM called him on it? "Housh" made a living being chad johnson's wing man. When asked to be a feature receiver, he caved.
Moon was a great QB, but I really don't give a shit about his opinions. He went to bat for Ty, and also tried to say that Alexander was getting a raw deal, when it was obvious he had quit. If Millen is ray-cist, so is Moon.
Thanks for trying, but your arguments suck.