I decided after the Arizona game that I wasn't renewing tickets for next year. I'm no ****** (that's Damone for you new folks) but I spend about $1300 for 2 tickets each year for the last 2 years and before that was $600-900 from 2007-2010. Fuck it, if UW doesn't give a shit enough to get a decent coach then I don't give a shit enough to hate my money.
Following that shitshow of a game, 7WS (Seven Win Steve) leads UW to a 4 game win streak but still not enough to get me to commit my money but I'm hopeful that he maybe, just fucking maybe, figured something out. Then comes the Apple Cup and the bowl game and UW is back to 7-6 and some AWESOME incremental progress.
Any momentum towards getting back to caring slipped away after those 2 games. I know some of us are making fun of some doog posting somewhere about how the refs cost UW 2 games and that, damnit, UW is 9-4 in his mind. The sad fact is that UW had the opportunity to be a 9-3 or 10-2 team this season based off upsetting Stanford and Oregon St. USC was very beatable. Arizona wasn't much better talent-wise vs. UW and WSU has shit for talent. Win 2 of those games and UW is 9-3. Get the sweep and they're 10-2 but unfortunately UW is never better coaching-wise in many games.
Go 9-3 or 10-2 this year and see how many more people get a little bit more interested in UW football. But a meh season gets meh interest in the program.
Nothing matches my apathy of 2008 but point made. I'm usually more upset after losses than a grown man should be, but find myself less and less bothered by losses.
I am giving up on pete. Tired of all the excuses. Recruiting, coaches, scheme. At some point you have to look at it objectively. Why is there no accountability for the shit LB play?? Why is manu and Wellington playing for us?? Why is Chico and opera singer on the field at the same time?? Why can’t you stop a one dimensional offense?? Why the fuck Pete can’t get his team ready to play at 7:30pm??? (Other teams figure it out)
Following that shitshow of a game, 7WS (Seven Win Steve) leads UW to a 4 game win streak but still not enough to get me to commit my money but I'm hopeful that he maybe, just fucking maybe, figured something out. Then comes the Apple Cup and the bowl game and UW is back to 7-6 and some AWESOME incremental progress.
Any momentum towards getting back to caring slipped away after those 2 games. I know some of us are making fun of some doog posting somewhere about how the refs cost UW 2 games and that, damnit, UW is 9-4 in his mind. The sad fact is that UW had the opportunity to be a 9-3 or 10-2 team this season based off upsetting Stanford and Oregon St. USC was very beatable. Arizona wasn't much better talent-wise vs. UW and WSU has shit for talent. Win 2 of those games and UW is 9-3. Get the sweep and they're 10-2 but unfortunately UW is never better coaching-wise in many games.
Go 9-3 or 10-2 this year and see how many more people get a little bit more interested in UW football. But a meh season gets meh interest in the program.
win or lose I booze
The more things change, the more they stay the same.