1st the gaybob bowl last year with temp sod everywhere and 1 sideline for UW-BYU, now the sun bowl with temp sod all over the joint, a welfare sun bowl logo in the endzone and 10 different shades of green on the field.
As ive said for 15 years, ditch this worthless sun bowl. Thanks Hans e n, youve doomed this conference to hell. Nobody is watching this shit show on grass-astro-turf-field turf (endzones) and 10 different types of turf filling in patches from the lacrosse national championship and the UTEP girls soccer team. Nice fucking venue Hansen. Are you watching Larry? Ditch this bitch!!!.
Its embarrassing watching one of our better teams play in this bowl game. You'd never catch an SEC team playing on dec 27th at 11am, on a patchwork field, in 32° temps and drizzle. Step up to the big-time Larry...play the SEC in florida for a warm and sunny bowl game. Fuck! !!#