They are going to massacre a Nebraska team that has 100% quit on the season. The media will gargle Sark's ballsack and they'll be top 10 in all offseason polls. Barf. Get ready for it.
They are going to massacre a Nebraska team that has 100% quit on the season. The media will gargle Sark's ballsack and they'll be top 10 in all offseason polls. Barf. Get ready for it.
Nebraska would NEVER quit on a meaningless Holiday Bowl.
The only reason Sark is saying this is the best team they will play this year is because he knows damn well watching Nebraska tape that a retarded group of midgets could pound the shit out of Nebraska.
He hyping the shit up out of Nebraska to lead into the offseason with a "Cool win" that will "quite honestly, speak volumes about where we have come from the start of the season til now".
When a college football coach is comfortable dropping the word “cool” twice in the opening minute of a post-practice press briefing, you get the impression he’s confident his team is ready to go.
They are going to massacre a Nebraska team that has 100% quit on the season. The media will gargle Sark's ballsack and they'll be top 10 in all offseason polls. Barf. Get ready for it.
Nebraska would NEVER quit on a meaningless Holiday Bowl.
Greatest win of the Sark Era. I was so fucking hammered that I got lost forgot how I got to the game (turns out it was the tram)n shared a cab to McGregor's abs ended up taking pulls at 4am with Polks parents at the holiday inn on hotel circle. No i wasnt staying there. Ended up banging my old drivers ed teachers daughter (he's pissed at me won't let me tailgate) and catching like a 5am flight home to host a NYE party
They are going to massacre a Nebraska team that has 100% quit on the season. The media will gargle Sark's ballsack and they'll be top 10 in all offseason polls. Barf. Get ready for it.
Nebraska would NEVER quit on a meaningless Holiday Bowl.
Greatest win of the Sark Era. I was so fucking hammered that I got lost forgot how I got to the game (turns out it was the tram)n shared a cab to McGregor's abs ended up taking pulls at 4am with Polks parents at the holiday inn on hotel circle. No i wasnt staying there. Ended up banging my old drivers ed teachers daughter (he's pissed at me won't let me tailgate) and catching like a 5am flight home to host a NYE party
the key to this game as a drunk football fan watching on tv will be to see how a hapless, unprepared Nebraska team with an interim concession stand vendor as coach will almost assuredly severely outplay Sark in the 2nd half.
eat In-N-Outrest up for the game.Or ASU or Arizona. Nebraska. SarkFS
He hyping the shit up out of Nebraska to lead into the offseason with a "Cool win" that will "quite honestly, speak volumes about where we have come from the start of the season til now".
When a college football coach is comfortable dropping the word “cool” twice in the opening minute of a post-practice press briefing, you get the impression he’s confident his team is ready to go.
Good times