1). Because it's better than USC adding another one to their collection.
2). You can tell your kids and grandkids that you were plungered for 11+ straight years by a legendary duck team that beat FSU and Bama in the playoffs, instead of just by that school to the south that took 90 some years to win a second Rose Bowl.
3). Due to our close geographical proximity, you can snipe potential lower/mid range duck recruits like Buddah Baker that are attracted to Duck success but not quite good enough to start in Eugene.
4). If you win more than 6 games in a season and manage to get ranked, you might just make another game day appearance when Oregon comes to town. But even if you fail to make a game day appearance, at least you won't have to deal with the flag waving cuogs that show up at all those nationally televised Oregon games.
5). Duck fans will be more inclined to pump your gas with a smile.
6). You can hop on the bandwagon and be like the Oregon version of a 12.
7). The Pacific Northwest will no longer have the dubious distinction of having only half a Natty.
Hope that helps.
Too bad you won't beat FSU.
Stoopid fucking Duck fan - straight up.