@Tequilla I really can't stand your avatar. Ron Jeremy is a living legend. But I prefer to see the bitches he fucked ... not him dressed up like he is coming to your house for a Gay Super Mario Anal Sex Scene.
I'm thinking of a new avatar for 2015 ... one that you may be asking me to put Super Ron back up.
@Tequilla I really can't stand your avatar. Ron Jeremy is a living legend. But I prefer to see the bitches he fucked ... not him dressed up like he is coming to your house for a Gay Super Mario Anal Sex Scene.
I'm thinking of a new avatar for 2015 ... one that you may be asking me to put Super Ron back up.
@dnc often uses acronyms that I don't understand and it makes me feel dumb.
I second the APAG grievance for dying and not finishing the secpickemwithbonuspointsforponytails
I won the fucking aborted APAG contest and have not yet gotten to control his avatar. Because he died. That's one of my grievances. The other is sigs. Tattoed sluts and running toilets is as American as apple pie and FULL BLOWN AIDS.
Oh yeah, and Harv. Even assholes deserve freedom. Except Beezelcunt. Even baby Jesus hates that fucker. And Collegedoogs fucking wood chipper. I mean seriously, fuck that wood chipper. Come to think of it, I have a pretty serious grievance against Middlebury in general. And Ferguson. Well, mostly Al Sharpton. Fuck that guy.
And I hate @OZONE and his seaplane. Well, just the seaplane. Well really just how he keeps correcting me and telling me it's not a seaplane but a goddamn flying boat. Boats can't fly. Fuck. You think I'm stupid? I mean, there are some flying Reindeer and other shit, but not boats.
I also have a pretty serious fucking grievance against Kim Jong-un. Not all the killing and genocide and shit. Mostly I just wanted to see The Interview. So fuck that mother fucker.
I am also pretty unhappy about about Phil Bleenor this Christmas. I'm hearing Dish shitcanned Faux News, and I blame him. Plus people with odd necks shouldn't play golf. Shit is unnatural.
But other than that, I am pretty excited about the Christmas season this year. I really hope Santa brings me hookers and blow. If he doesn't, I plan to use a tactical nuke on the North Pole. Fuck that asshole.
You want to take the gloves off Race? You want to get down in a pissing match? Let's do it. Let's roll.
I'm getting completely fed up with your hate, negativity, and throwing people under the bus.
Quite frankly Race, I'm very, VERY happy that I don't know you. I'm quite happy that I don't lead what appears to be such a pathetic life that is faced with looking for the negativity in every situation. You need to go find something to smile at. Last I checked, it's summertime. The weather in Seattle seems to be pretty damn good right now - why don't you go check that out.
You are pretty damn wrong about things. You may think that the amount of time that you keep spewing your views that that you've now heard it enough times that you are right. Doesn't make you right.
You talk about 12-47 like that happened out of the blue sky. I've never seen you once suggest that the process of the downfall of this program began well before Emmert arrived.
You want facts? You want truth? Here's your truth.
Emmert came to the UW prior to the GLORIOUS 1-10 season under Gilby. The year before that (2003) Gilby managed to do enough to get us to 6-6, but that included the debacle at Cal where we gave up 700 yards (or thereabouts). It was an indifferent team that pretty much was at best mediocre. We lost 5 of our last 8, including the blowout to Cal, the blowout to UCLA, and a home loss to NEVADA. Yep, the program was heading in the right direction.
The 2002 season under Slick was another sterling season example that is most remembered for the "Northwest Championship." That was great. But it hid the fact that going into the "Northwest Championship" we were a 4-5 football team that was pretty much a joke at 1-4 in the conference. In both 2002 and 2003, we finished the season with a 4-4 conference record.
These weren't good football teams. The trend was heading downhill.
Emmert comes on board and immediately gets sadled with the Gilby 1-10 debacle.
Prior to Emmert coming on board, Babs jumps ship after a decade of mis-management, including allowing the stadium to begin the erosion process.
Throughout 2003, we're faced with Slick leaving and the subsequent lawsuit(s), Dr. Feelgood, and a whole mess with the softball program and Teresa Wilson.
Things were not in great shape. I think just about everybody knew that.
A search committee is formed to replace Babs. The BOR, upper campus, and the big donor supporters of the school are sick of the egg showing up on their face. They are sick of the country club that Babs ran and the loose way she ran the department - particularly in light of what went on with Slick. They wanted someone prim, proper, and who they could count on would not sully the University name. ENTER TODD TURNER.
Now, this pretty much gets you up to the point where Emmert was hired. Did he have to sign off on the hiring of Turner? Most likely. But whatever.
At this point, Emmert isn't responsible for the on-field performance of the football program. There is a coach in place. It's not Emmert's job to oversee the football program or any other program in the athletic department. That job belongs to Todd Turner. It's Emmert's job to monitor the job performance of Todd Turner.
So 1-10 happens. Gilby is canned by Turner (rightfully so). Yes, the program went 1-10. But the actions of those charged with overseeing the program were correct. Turner fired the coach for poor performance. If I'm in Emmert's shoes, I can't complain.
Coaching search takes place and Turner has his heart set on Tyrone Willingham. It's Turner's hire. It's not Emmert's hire. Surely Emmert had to sign off on the hire. That's fine. You want to throw some blame on him for not having the foresight to negate the hire. That's fine. But the hire isn't Emmert's responsibility. It's Turner's responsibility. It's Emmert's responsibility to hold Turner accountable for the hire (which he did 3 years later when it was obvious that Tyrone wasn't the answer).
So Tyrone goes 2-9 the first year after a 1-10 year. Not great. Warning signs start going off, particularly with some poor performance to close games. But it's the first year of the regime and really hard to get too critical.
The next year the program goes 5-7 and has 2 significant events. The first significant event is the loss of the QB to injury. I think many could argue that without the loss of Isaiah that year, we go 6-6. The second event that was significant was the "suddenly senior" day and the unexplicable loss to Stanford with the most emotionless football team anybody had ever seen. Again, there's not enough there to fire Tyrone at that point. There are warning signs. There is ground to pretty much tell Tyrone that the following year is an action year where something needs to happen. He's on a short leash at this point in my opinion.
The following year we lose games in ways that are unexplainable. Blow a huge loss to Arizona - a game we should have never lost. The most ridiculous ending to an Apple Cup I've ever seen where a guy was open by 20 yards coming out of a timeout. Blowing a pair of 21 point leads to Hawai'i. It was pretty obvious at this point that things weren't working. Coaching change was in order. Perhaps an AD change was also in order. The coaching change was blocked and complicated. The AD's head fell - and rightfully so due to some other issues that he had and such a terrible hire of a head coach.
Prior to the decision to fire Tyrone after 2007, it's really hard to argue with ANYTHING that Emmert had done with respect to the football program.
I will say that bringing Tyrone back for 2008 was a disasterous mistake. It should have never happened. You want to throw 0-12 on Emmert - I'm all for it. I think if you caught Emmert in a reflective, truthful moment, he would tell you in hindsight that he should have made the move and that it wasn't worth the carnage of 0-12.
Throw Emmert under the bus for 2008. That's his responsibility. 2004-2007? Not so much. By all means, please, please tell me where he has responsibility for 2004 and 2007 other than the fact that he's the University President. Please tell me what specific actions that he did to undermine the program. You aren't going to find them - they aren't there.
Your criticism of Emmert is ridiculous. Your criticism of Woodward is just downright comical.
Where has Woodward screwed this program? He has only been responsible for this program in the summer of 2008 in a full-time role. Are you going to hold him to the fire for being the interim AD for the first half of 2008? How is he responsible for anything from 2004-2007 when he wasn't even involved with the Athletic Department? Talk about conspiracy theories. This may be one of the greatest conspiracy theories I've ever seen.
I don't like losing. I don't like what I've seen the last 5 years. It's made me sick to my stomach many times over. But unlike you, I can at least take a step back and realize that the genesis of this problem began well before Mark Emmert became President of the University of Washington.
If I spent my time being a "mindless Race Bannon minion," then I'd be convinced that the only logical explanation for our failures have been Mark Emmert and Scott Woodward.
Quite frankly, that opinion is one of the most idiotic insanely stupid opinions that I've ever seen in my life.
I don't defend the "wrong targets." There is blame to be thrown Emmert's way. I readily acknowledge that. But it isn't his full blame. Babs deserves blame. Gerberding deserves blame. McCormick deserves some blame. Slick deserves some blame. Gilby deserves some blame. Turner deserves some blame. Tyrone deserves some blame. Of the names I've listed, only 3 of those names have any timeline that extends into any portion of Emmert's tenure. That's less than half of those names.
Quite frankly Race, you are a world class donkey. When I hear people bitch and moan about the people in the State of Washington - you are a crystal example of why people bitch about the State of Washington. When I hear people that bitch about the fans of the University of Washington and what their complaints are, you represent what those complaints are.
In my opinion, you are not good for the University of Washington. You aren't helping the program. You aren't helping the University. You are entirely self-serving and a pompous, egotistical jerk.
You are barking up the wrong tree if you are going after me. I'm not naive enough to shove my head so far up my arse to ignore what I am seeing. I don't think that there is anybody that knows me that would say that I wouldn't call a spade a spade.
All that paying for and attending games longer than I've been alive has done for you is given you a perceived ability to go be a bitter old man. Congrats on that.
Thanks for showing those of us in a younger generation how not to act in 20-30 years when we are in your shoes.
Unataka kuchukua kinga mbali Kinyang'anyiro? Unataka kupata chini katika pissing mechi? Hebu kufanya hivyo. Hebu unaendelea.
Mimi nina kupata kabisa kulishwa juu na chuki yako, negativity, na kutupa watu chini ya basi.
Kusema ukweli kabisa Mbio, mimi nina sana, sana furaha kwamba mimi sijui wewe. Nina furaha kabisa kwamba mimi si kusababisha kile kinachoonekana kuwa kama maisha pathetic kwamba ni wanakabiliwa na kuangalia kwa negativity katika kila hali. Unahitaji kwenda kupata kitu na tabasamu saa. Mwisho I checked, ni Summertime. Hali ya hewa katika Seattle inaonekana kuwa pretty damn nzuri hivi sasa - kwa nini wewe si kwenda kuangalia kwamba nje.
Wewe ni pretty damn mbaya kuhusu mambo. Unaweza kufikiri kwamba kiasi cha muda wa kwamba wewe kuweka spewing maoni yako kwamba umefanya sasa habari hiyo mara ya kutosha kwamba wewe ni haki. Hafanyi wewe haki.
Majadiliano juu ya 12-47 kama hicho kilichotokea nje ya anga bluu. Sijawahi kuona wewe mara moja zinaonyesha kwamba mchakato wa anguko la mpango huu alianza vizuri kabla Emmert aliwasili.
Unataka ukweli? Unataka kweli? Hapa ni kweli yako.
Emmert alikuja UW kabla ya UTUKUFU 1-10 msimu chini ya Gilby. Mwaka kabla ya kuwa (2003) Gilby imeweza kufanya kutosha kupata sisi 6-6, lakini hiyo ni pamoja na debacle katika Cal ambapo sisi akatoa 700 yadi ya (au thereabouts). Ilikuwa timu tofauti kwamba pretty much alikuwa saa bora mediocre. Sisi waliopotea 5 ya mwisho 8 yetu, ikiwa ni pamoja na blowout kwa Cal, blowout kwa UCLA, na hasara nyumbani kwa NEVADA. Yep, mpango huo viongozi katika mwelekeo sahihi.
Msimu 2002 chini ya Slick alikuwa mwingine Sterling msimu mfano kuwa ni wengi kukumbukwa kwa "Northwest michuano." Hiyo ilikuwa kubwa. Lakini kuficha ukweli kuwa kwenda katika "Northwest michuano" tulikuwa 4-5 timu ya soka ya kwamba alikuwa pretty much utani katika 1-4 katika mkutano huo. Katika wote 2002 na 2003, sisi kumaliza msimu na rekodi 4-4 mkutano huo.
Hizi hazikuwa timu nzuri ya mpira wa miguu. Mwenendo mara viongozi kuteremka.
Emmert huja juu ya bodi na mara anapata sadled na Gilby 1-10 debacle.
Kabla ya Emmert kuja juu ya bodi, Babs anaruka meli baada ya miongo ya menejimenti mbovu, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuruhusu uwanja kuanza mchakato mmomonyoko wa udongo.
Katika 2003, sisi ni wanakabiliwa na Slick kuondoka na kesi ya baadae (s), Dk Feelgood, na fujo nzima na Softball mpango na Teresa Wilson.
Sasa kukumbuka yafuatayo: haya yote yalitokea kabla ya EMMERT WAS mahali popote karibu KUWA RAIS WA UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON.
Mambo yalikuwa si katika sura kuu. Nadhani tu kuhusu kila mtu alijua kwamba.
Kamati search ni sumu badala ya Babs. Bor, kampasi ya juu, na wafuasi kubwa wafadhili wa shule ni mgonjwa wa yai kuonyesha juu ya uso wao. Wao ni mgonjwa wa klabu ya nchi kwamba Babs mbio na njia huru alikimbilia idara - hasa katika mwanga wa nini akaenda pamoja na Slick. Walitaka mtu prim, sahihi, na ambao wangeweza kuhesabu bila Sully jina University. Kuingia TODD TURNER.
Translate Sasa, hii pretty much anapata up kwa uhakika ambapo Emmert aliajiriwa. Je, alikuwa na kutia saini mbali juu ya ajira ya Turner? Wengi uwezekano. Lakini chochote.
Katika hatua hii, Emmert ni wajibu kwa ajili ya uwanja wa utendaji wa mpango soka si. Kuna kocha katika mahali. Siyo kazi Emmert ya kusimamia soka mpango au programu nyingine yoyote katika idara ya riadha. Kazi ambayo ni ya Todd Turner. Ni kazi Emmert ya kufuatilia utendaji kazi wa Todd Turner.
Hivyo 1-10 kinachotokea. Gilby ni makopo na Turner (haki hivyo). Ndiyo, mpango akaenda 1-10. Lakini matendo ya wale kushtakiwa kwa kusimamia mpango walikuwa sahihi. Turner fired kocha kwa ajili ya utendaji maskini. Kama mimi nina katika viatu Emmert ya, siwezi kulalamika.
Coaching search unafanyika na Turner ana moyo wake kuweka juu ya Tyrone Willingham. Ni kukodisha Turner ya. Siyo kukodisha Emmert ya. Hakika Emmert alikuwa na ishara mbali juu ya kukodisha. Hiyo ni sawa. Unataka kutupa baadhi lawama juu yake kwa kutokuwa na mtizamo wa yanatofautiana kukodisha. Hiyo ni sawa. Lakini ujira si wajibu Emmert ya. Ni wajibu Turner ya. Ni wajibu Emmert ya kushikilia Turner kuwajibika kwa ajili ya kukodisha (aliyoifanya miaka 3 baadaye wakati ilikuwa ni dhahiri kwamba Tyrone hakuwa jibu).
Hivyo Tyrone huenda 2-9 mwaka wa kwanza baada ya mwaka 1-10. Si kubwa. Onyo ishara ya kuanza kwenda mbali, hasa kwa baadhi ya utendaji maskini kwa karibu michezo. Lakini ni mwaka wa kwanza wa utawala na ngumu kweli kweli ya kupata kuikosoa @owen12.
Sasa, hii pretty much anapata up kwa uhakika ambapo Emmert aliajiriwa. Je, alikuwa na kutia saini mbali juu ya ajira ya Turner? Wengi uwezekano. Lakini chochote.
Katika hatua hii, Emmert ni wajibu kwa ajili ya uwanja wa utendaji wa mpango soka si. Kuna kocha katika mahali. Siyo kazi Emmert ya kusimamia soka mpango au programu nyingine yoyote katika idara ya riadha. Kazi ambayo ni ya Todd Turner. Ni kazi Emmert ya kufuatilia utendaji kazi wa Todd Turner.
Hivyo 1-10 kinachotokea. Gilby ni makopo na Turner (haki hivyo). Ndiyo, mpango akaenda 1-10. Lakini matendo ya wale kushtakiwa kwa kusimamia mpango walikuwa sahihi. Turner fired kocha kwa ajili ya utendaji maskini. Kama mimi nina katika viatu Emmert ya, siwezi kulalamika.
Coaching search unafanyika na Turner ana moyo wake kuweka juu ya Tyrone Willingham. Ni kukodisha Turner ya. Siyo kukodisha Emmert ya. Hakika Emmert alikuwa na ishara mbali juu ya kukodisha. Hiyo ni sawa. Unataka kutupa baadhi lawama juu yake kwa kutokuwa na mtizamo wa yanatofautiana kukodisha. Hiyo ni sawa. Lakini ujira si wajibu Emmert ya. Ni wajibu Turner ya. Ni wajibu Emmert ya kushikilia Turner kuwajibika kwa ajili ya kukodisha (aliyoifanya miaka 3 baadaye wakati ilikuwa ni dhahiri kwamba Tyrone hakuwa jibu).
Hivyo Tyrone huenda 2-9 mwaka wa kwanza baada ya mwaka 1-10. Si kubwa. Onyo ishara ya kuanza kwenda mbali, hasa kwa baadhi ya utendaji maskini kwa karibu michezo. Lakini ni mwaka wa kwanza wa utawala na ngumu kweli kweli ya kupata kuikosoa.
Kusema ukweli kabisa, kwamba maoni ni moja ya wengi idiotic maoni insanely kijinga kwamba nimekuwa milele kuonekana katika maisha yangu.
Sina kutetea "malengo mabaya." Kuna lawama kutupwa njia Emmert ya. Mimi urahisi kukiri kwamba. Lakini si lawama yake kamili. Babs anastahili lawama. Gerberding anastahili lawama. McCormick anastahili baadhi lawama. Slick anastahili baadhi lawama. Gilby anastahili baadhi lawama. Turner anastahili baadhi lawama. Tyrone anastahili baadhi lawama. Ya majina nimekuwa waliotajwa, 3 tu ya majina ya wale wana ratiba yoyote kwamba inaenea sehemu yoyote ya umiliki Emmert ya. Hiyo ni chini ya nusu ya majina ya wale.
Kusema ukweli kabisa Race, wewe ni darasa dunia punda. Wakati mimi kusikia watu Bitch na moan kuhusu watu katika Jimbo la Washington - wewe ni kioo mfano wa nini watu Bitch kuhusu Jimbo la Washington. Wakati mimi kusikia watu kwamba Bitch kuhusu mashabiki wa Chuo Kikuu cha Washington na nini malalamiko yao ni, wewe kuwakilisha nini malalamiko hayo ni.
Kwa maoni yangu, wewe si nzuri kwa ajili ya Chuo Kikuu cha Washington. Wewe si kusaidia mpango. Wewe si kusaidia University. Wewe ni kabisa binafsi kuwahudumia na pompous, egotistical jerk.
Wewe ni barking juu ya mti vibaya kama wewe ni kwenda baada yangu. Mimi si naive kutosha shove kichwa yangu hivyo mbali up punda wangu kupuuza kile Mimi kuona. Sidhani kwamba kuna mtu yeyote kwamba anajua mimi kwamba kusema kwamba napenda kuwaita jembe jembe.
Kwamba kulipa kwa ajili ya michezo yote na kuhudhuria tena kuliko nimekuwa hai aliyokutendea amepewa uwezo alijua kwenda uchungu mzee. Congrats juu ya hilo.
Shukrani kwa ajili ya kuonyesha wale wa kwetu katika kizazi cha vijana jinsi si kutenda katika miaka 20-30 wakati sisi ni katika viatu yako.
@ Neu for not laying the points I asked.
@ Gilb for leaving no desert.
@ Ty for not allowing Mulligans. Who the fuck doesn't allow Mulligans?
@ Sark WTF? I need a reason?
@Mark for wearing mascara while repping UW.
@ Todd for still breathing
@SpoonieLuv - For not poasting enough cactus porn
@Swaye - For making my sweatpants tight with all his slutz poasts
@AZDuck - For breaking the stereotype that all Duck fans are complete morons (most of the time)
Craves it.
Oh yeah, and Harv. Even assholes deserve freedom. Except Beezelcunt. Even baby Jesus hates that fucker. And Collegedoogs fucking wood chipper. I mean seriously, fuck that wood chipper. Come to think of it, I have a pretty serious grievance against Middlebury in general. And Ferguson. Well, mostly Al Sharpton. Fuck that guy.
And I hate @OZONE and his seaplane. Well, just the seaplane. Well really just how he keeps correcting me and telling me it's not a seaplane but a goddamn flying boat. Boats can't fly. Fuck. You think I'm stupid? I mean, there are some flying Reindeer and other shit, but not boats.
I also have a pretty serious fucking grievance against Kim Jong-un. Not all the killing and genocide and shit. Mostly I just wanted to see The Interview. So fuck that mother fucker.
I am also pretty unhappy about about Phil Bleenor this Christmas. I'm hearing Dish shitcanned Faux News, and I blame him. Plus people with odd necks shouldn't play golf. Shit is unnatural.
But other than that, I am pretty excited about the Christmas season this year. I really hope Santa brings me hookers and blow. If he doesn't, I plan to use a tactical nuke on the North Pole. Fuck that asshole.
You want to take the gloves off Race? You want to get down in a pissing match? Let's do it. Let's roll.
I'm getting completely fed up with your hate, negativity, and throwing people under the bus.
Quite frankly Race, I'm very, VERY happy that I don't know you. I'm quite happy that I don't lead what appears to be such a pathetic life that is faced with looking for the negativity in every situation. You need to go find something to smile at. Last I checked, it's summertime. The weather in Seattle seems to be pretty damn good right now - why don't you go check that out.
You are pretty damn wrong about things. You may think that the amount of time that you keep spewing your views that that you've now heard it enough times that you are right. Doesn't make you right.
You talk about 12-47 like that happened out of the blue sky. I've never seen you once suggest that the process of the downfall of this program began well before Emmert arrived.
You want facts? You want truth? Here's your truth.
Emmert came to the UW prior to the GLORIOUS 1-10 season under Gilby. The year before that (2003) Gilby managed to do enough to get us to 6-6, but that included the debacle at Cal where we gave up 700 yards (or thereabouts). It was an indifferent team that pretty much was at best mediocre. We lost 5 of our last 8, including the blowout to Cal, the blowout to UCLA, and a home loss to NEVADA. Yep, the program was heading in the right direction.
The 2002 season under Slick was another sterling season example that is most remembered for the "Northwest Championship." That was great. But it hid the fact that going into the "Northwest Championship" we were a 4-5 football team that was pretty much a joke at 1-4 in the conference. In both 2002 and 2003, we finished the season with a 4-4 conference record.
These weren't good football teams. The trend was heading downhill.
Emmert comes on board and immediately gets sadled with the Gilby 1-10 debacle.
Prior to Emmert coming on board, Babs jumps ship after a decade of mis-management, including allowing the stadium to begin the erosion process.
Throughout 2003, we're faced with Slick leaving and the subsequent lawsuit(s), Dr. Feelgood, and a whole mess with the softball program and Teresa Wilson.
Things were not in great shape. I think just about everybody knew that.
A search committee is formed to replace Babs. The BOR, upper campus, and the big donor supporters of the school are sick of the egg showing up on their face. They are sick of the country club that Babs ran and the loose way she ran the department - particularly in light of what went on with Slick. They wanted someone prim, proper, and who they could count on would not sully the University name. ENTER TODD TURNER.
Now, this pretty much gets you up to the point where Emmert was hired. Did he have to sign off on the hiring of Turner? Most likely. But whatever.
At this point, Emmert isn't responsible for the on-field performance of the football program. There is a coach in place. It's not Emmert's job to oversee the football program or any other program in the athletic department. That job belongs to Todd Turner. It's Emmert's job to monitor the job performance of Todd Turner.
So 1-10 happens. Gilby is canned by Turner (rightfully so). Yes, the program went 1-10. But the actions of those charged with overseeing the program were correct. Turner fired the coach for poor performance. If I'm in Emmert's shoes, I can't complain.
Coaching search takes place and Turner has his heart set on Tyrone Willingham. It's Turner's hire. It's not Emmert's hire. Surely Emmert had to sign off on the hire. That's fine. You want to throw some blame on him for not having the foresight to negate the hire. That's fine. But the hire isn't Emmert's responsibility. It's Turner's responsibility. It's Emmert's responsibility to hold Turner accountable for the hire (which he did 3 years later when it was obvious that Tyrone wasn't the answer).
So Tyrone goes 2-9 the first year after a 1-10 year. Not great. Warning signs start going off, particularly with some poor performance to close games. But it's the first year of the regime and really hard to get too critical.
The next year the program goes 5-7 and has 2 significant events. The first significant event is the loss of the QB to injury. I think many could argue that without the loss of Isaiah that year, we go 6-6. The second event that was significant was the "suddenly senior" day and the unexplicable loss to Stanford with the most emotionless football team anybody had ever seen. Again, there's not enough there to fire Tyrone at that point. There are warning signs. There is ground to pretty much tell Tyrone that the following year is an action year where something needs to happen. He's on a short leash at this point in my opinion.
The following year we lose games in ways that are unexplainable. Blow a huge loss to Arizona - a game we should have never lost. The most ridiculous ending to an Apple Cup I've ever seen where a guy was open by 20 yards coming out of a timeout. Blowing a pair of 21 point leads to Hawai'i. It was pretty obvious at this point that things weren't working. Coaching change was in order. Perhaps an AD change was also in order. The coaching change was blocked and complicated. The AD's head fell - and rightfully so due to some other issues that he had and such a terrible hire of a head coach.
Prior to the decision to fire Tyrone after 2007, it's really hard to argue with ANYTHING that Emmert had done with respect to the football program.
I will say that bringing Tyrone back for 2008 was a disasterous mistake. It should have never happened. You want to throw 0-12 on Emmert - I'm all for it. I think if you caught Emmert in a reflective, truthful moment, he would tell you in hindsight that he should have made the move and that it wasn't worth the carnage of 0-12.
Throw Emmert under the bus for 2008. That's his responsibility. 2004-2007? Not so much. By all means, please, please tell me where he has responsibility for 2004 and 2007 other than the fact that he's the University President. Please tell me what specific actions that he did to undermine the program. You aren't going to find them - they aren't there.
Your criticism of Emmert is ridiculous. Your criticism of Woodward is just downright comical.
Where has Woodward screwed this program? He has only been responsible for this program in the summer of 2008 in a full-time role. Are you going to hold him to the fire for being the interim AD for the first half of 2008? How is he responsible for anything from 2004-2007 when he wasn't even involved with the Athletic Department? Talk about conspiracy theories. This may be one of the greatest conspiracy theories I've ever seen.
I don't like losing. I don't like what I've seen the last 5 years. It's made me sick to my stomach many times over. But unlike you, I can at least take a step back and realize that the genesis of this problem began well before Mark Emmert became President of the University of Washington.
If I spent my time being a "mindless Race Bannon minion," then I'd be convinced that the only logical explanation for our failures have been Mark Emmert and Scott Woodward.
Quite frankly, that opinion is one of the most idiotic insanely stupid opinions that I've ever seen in my life.
I don't defend the "wrong targets." There is blame to be thrown Emmert's way. I readily acknowledge that. But it isn't his full blame. Babs deserves blame. Gerberding deserves blame. McCormick deserves some blame. Slick deserves some blame. Gilby deserves some blame. Turner deserves some blame. Tyrone deserves some blame. Of the names I've listed, only 3 of those names have any timeline that extends into any portion of Emmert's tenure. That's less than half of those names.
Quite frankly Race, you are a world class donkey. When I hear people bitch and moan about the people in the State of Washington - you are a crystal example of why people bitch about the State of Washington. When I hear people that bitch about the fans of the University of Washington and what their complaints are, you represent what those complaints are.
In my opinion, you are not good for the University of Washington. You aren't helping the program. You aren't helping the University. You are entirely self-serving and a pompous, egotistical jerk.
You are barking up the wrong tree if you are going after me. I'm not naive enough to shove my head so far up my arse to ignore what I am seeing. I don't think that there is anybody that knows me that would say that I wouldn't call a spade a spade.
All that paying for and attending games longer than I've been alive has done for you is given you a perceived ability to go be a bitter old man. Congrats on that.
Thanks for showing those of us in a younger generation how not to act in 20-30 years when we are in your shoes.
Unataka kuchukua kinga mbali Kinyang'anyiro? Unataka kupata chini katika pissing mechi? Hebu kufanya hivyo. Hebu unaendelea.
Mimi nina kupata kabisa kulishwa juu na chuki yako, negativity, na kutupa watu chini ya basi.
Kusema ukweli kabisa Mbio, mimi nina sana, sana furaha kwamba mimi sijui wewe. Nina furaha kabisa kwamba mimi si kusababisha kile kinachoonekana kuwa kama maisha pathetic kwamba ni wanakabiliwa na kuangalia kwa negativity katika kila hali. Unahitaji kwenda kupata kitu na tabasamu saa. Mwisho I checked, ni Summertime. Hali ya hewa katika Seattle inaonekana kuwa pretty damn nzuri hivi sasa - kwa nini wewe si kwenda kuangalia kwamba nje.
Wewe ni pretty damn mbaya kuhusu mambo. Unaweza kufikiri kwamba kiasi cha muda wa kwamba wewe kuweka spewing maoni yako kwamba umefanya sasa habari hiyo mara ya kutosha kwamba wewe ni haki. Hafanyi wewe haki.
Majadiliano juu ya 12-47 kama hicho kilichotokea nje ya anga bluu. Sijawahi kuona wewe mara moja zinaonyesha kwamba mchakato wa anguko la mpango huu alianza vizuri kabla Emmert aliwasili.
Unataka ukweli? Unataka kweli? Hapa ni kweli yako.
Emmert alikuja UW kabla ya UTUKUFU 1-10 msimu chini ya Gilby. Mwaka kabla ya kuwa (2003) Gilby imeweza kufanya kutosha kupata sisi 6-6, lakini hiyo ni pamoja na debacle katika Cal ambapo sisi akatoa 700 yadi ya (au thereabouts). Ilikuwa timu tofauti kwamba pretty much alikuwa saa bora mediocre. Sisi waliopotea 5 ya mwisho 8 yetu, ikiwa ni pamoja na blowout kwa Cal, blowout kwa UCLA, na hasara nyumbani kwa NEVADA. Yep, mpango huo viongozi katika mwelekeo sahihi.
Msimu 2002 chini ya Slick alikuwa mwingine Sterling msimu mfano kuwa ni wengi kukumbukwa kwa "Northwest michuano." Hiyo ilikuwa kubwa. Lakini kuficha ukweli kuwa kwenda katika "Northwest michuano" tulikuwa 4-5 timu ya soka ya kwamba alikuwa pretty much utani katika 1-4 katika mkutano huo. Katika wote 2002 na 2003, sisi kumaliza msimu na rekodi 4-4 mkutano huo.
Hizi hazikuwa timu nzuri ya mpira wa miguu. Mwenendo mara viongozi kuteremka.
Emmert huja juu ya bodi na mara anapata sadled na Gilby 1-10 debacle.
Kabla ya Emmert kuja juu ya bodi, Babs anaruka meli baada ya miongo ya menejimenti mbovu, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuruhusu uwanja kuanza mchakato mmomonyoko wa udongo.
Katika 2003, sisi ni wanakabiliwa na Slick kuondoka na kesi ya baadae (s), Dk Feelgood, na fujo nzima na Softball mpango na Teresa Wilson.
Sasa kukumbuka yafuatayo: haya yote yalitokea kabla ya EMMERT WAS mahali popote karibu KUWA RAIS WA UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON.
Mambo yalikuwa si katika sura kuu. Nadhani tu kuhusu kila mtu alijua kwamba.
Kamati search ni sumu badala ya Babs. Bor, kampasi ya juu, na wafuasi kubwa wafadhili wa shule ni mgonjwa wa yai kuonyesha juu ya uso wao. Wao ni mgonjwa wa klabu ya nchi kwamba Babs mbio na njia huru alikimbilia idara - hasa katika mwanga wa nini akaenda pamoja na Slick. Walitaka mtu prim, sahihi, na ambao wangeweza kuhesabu bila Sully jina University. Kuingia TODD TURNER.
Sasa, hii pretty much anapata up kwa uhakika ambapo Emmert aliajiriwa. Je, alikuwa na kutia saini mbali juu ya ajira ya Turner? Wengi uwezekano. Lakini chochote.
Katika hatua hii, Emmert ni wajibu kwa ajili ya uwanja wa utendaji wa mpango soka si. Kuna kocha katika mahali. Siyo kazi Emmert ya kusimamia soka mpango au programu nyingine yoyote katika idara ya riadha. Kazi ambayo ni ya Todd Turner. Ni kazi Emmert ya kufuatilia utendaji kazi wa Todd Turner.
Hivyo 1-10 kinachotokea. Gilby ni makopo na Turner (haki hivyo). Ndiyo, mpango akaenda 1-10. Lakini matendo ya wale kushtakiwa kwa kusimamia mpango walikuwa sahihi. Turner fired kocha kwa ajili ya utendaji maskini. Kama mimi nina katika viatu Emmert ya, siwezi kulalamika.
Coaching search unafanyika na Turner ana moyo wake kuweka juu ya Tyrone Willingham. Ni kukodisha Turner ya. Siyo kukodisha Emmert ya. Hakika Emmert alikuwa na ishara mbali juu ya kukodisha. Hiyo ni sawa. Unataka kutupa baadhi lawama juu yake kwa kutokuwa na mtizamo wa yanatofautiana kukodisha. Hiyo ni sawa. Lakini ujira si wajibu Emmert ya. Ni wajibu Turner ya. Ni wajibu Emmert ya kushikilia Turner kuwajibika kwa ajili ya kukodisha (aliyoifanya miaka 3 baadaye wakati ilikuwa ni dhahiri kwamba Tyrone hakuwa jibu).
Hivyo Tyrone huenda 2-9 mwaka wa kwanza baada ya mwaka 1-10. Si kubwa. Onyo ishara ya kuanza kwenda mbali, hasa kwa baadhi ya utendaji maskini kwa karibu michezo. Lakini ni mwaka wa kwanza wa utawala na ngumu kweli kweli ya kupata kuikosoa @owen12.
Sasa, hii pretty much anapata up kwa uhakika ambapo Emmert aliajiriwa. Je, alikuwa na kutia saini mbali juu ya ajira ya Turner? Wengi uwezekano. Lakini chochote.
Katika hatua hii, Emmert ni wajibu kwa ajili ya uwanja wa utendaji wa mpango soka si. Kuna kocha katika mahali. Siyo kazi Emmert ya kusimamia soka mpango au programu nyingine yoyote katika idara ya riadha. Kazi ambayo ni ya Todd Turner. Ni kazi Emmert ya kufuatilia utendaji kazi wa Todd Turner.
Hivyo 1-10 kinachotokea. Gilby ni makopo na Turner (haki hivyo). Ndiyo, mpango akaenda 1-10. Lakini matendo ya wale kushtakiwa kwa kusimamia mpango walikuwa sahihi. Turner fired kocha kwa ajili ya utendaji maskini. Kama mimi nina katika viatu Emmert ya, siwezi kulalamika.
Coaching search unafanyika na Turner ana moyo wake kuweka juu ya Tyrone Willingham. Ni kukodisha Turner ya. Siyo kukodisha Emmert ya. Hakika Emmert alikuwa na ishara mbali juu ya kukodisha. Hiyo ni sawa. Unataka kutupa baadhi lawama juu yake kwa kutokuwa na mtizamo wa yanatofautiana kukodisha. Hiyo ni sawa. Lakini ujira si wajibu Emmert ya. Ni wajibu Turner ya. Ni wajibu Emmert ya kushikilia Turner kuwajibika kwa ajili ya kukodisha (aliyoifanya miaka 3 baadaye wakati ilikuwa ni dhahiri kwamba Tyrone hakuwa jibu).
Hivyo Tyrone huenda 2-9 mwaka wa kwanza baada ya mwaka 1-10. Si kubwa. Onyo ishara ya kuanza kwenda mbali, hasa kwa baadhi ya utendaji maskini kwa karibu michezo. Lakini ni mwaka wa kwanza wa utawala na ngumu kweli kweli ya kupata kuikosoa.
Kusema ukweli kabisa, kwamba maoni ni moja ya wengi idiotic maoni insanely kijinga kwamba nimekuwa milele kuonekana katika maisha yangu.
Sina kutetea "malengo mabaya." Kuna lawama kutupwa njia Emmert ya. Mimi urahisi kukiri kwamba. Lakini si lawama yake kamili. Babs anastahili lawama. Gerberding anastahili lawama. McCormick anastahili baadhi lawama. Slick anastahili baadhi lawama. Gilby anastahili baadhi lawama. Turner anastahili baadhi lawama. Tyrone anastahili baadhi lawama. Ya majina nimekuwa waliotajwa, 3 tu ya majina ya wale wana ratiba yoyote kwamba inaenea sehemu yoyote ya umiliki Emmert ya. Hiyo ni chini ya nusu ya majina ya wale.
Kusema ukweli kabisa Race, wewe ni darasa dunia punda. Wakati mimi kusikia watu Bitch na moan kuhusu watu katika Jimbo la Washington - wewe ni kioo mfano wa nini watu Bitch kuhusu Jimbo la Washington. Wakati mimi kusikia watu kwamba Bitch kuhusu mashabiki wa Chuo Kikuu cha Washington na nini malalamiko yao ni, wewe kuwakilisha nini malalamiko hayo ni.
Kwa maoni yangu, wewe si nzuri kwa ajili ya Chuo Kikuu cha Washington. Wewe si kusaidia mpango. Wewe si kusaidia University. Wewe ni kabisa binafsi kuwahudumia na pompous, egotistical jerk.
Wewe ni barking juu ya mti vibaya kama wewe ni kwenda baada yangu. Mimi si naive kutosha shove kichwa yangu hivyo mbali up punda wangu kupuuza kile Mimi kuona. Sidhani kwamba kuna mtu yeyote kwamba anajua mimi kwamba kusema kwamba napenda kuwaita jembe jembe.
Kwamba kulipa kwa ajili ya michezo yote na kuhudhuria tena kuliko nimekuwa hai aliyokutendea amepewa uwezo alijua kwenda uchungu mzee. Congrats juu ya hilo.
Shukrani kwa ajili ya kuonyesha wale wa kwetu katika kizazi cha vijana jinsi si kutenda katika miaka 20-30 wakati sisi ni katika viatu yako.
I have no grievances.