As if I would ever invest a sing. Puppy cent of my hard earned money with an evil oil corporation!!!
Enjoy filling up your prius on your green energy portfoilio Broadway. Puppy is and will continue to heavily buy up the greedy oil sector, and pay cash for his '16 benz
As if I would ever invest a sing. Puppy cent of my hard earned money with an evil oil corporation!!!
Enjoy filling up your prius on your green energy portfoilio Broadway. Puppy is and will continue to heavily buy up the greedy oil sector, and pay cash for his '16 benz
As if I would ever invest a sing. Puppy cent of my hard earned money with an evil oil corporation!!!
Enjoy filling up your prius on your green energy portfoilio Broadway. Puppy is and will continue to heavily buy up the greedy oil sector, and pay cash for his '16 benz
As if I would ever invest a sing. Puppy cent of my hard earned money with an evil oil corporation!!!
Enjoy filling up your prius on your green energy portfoilio Broadway. Puppy is and will continue to heavily buy up the greedy oil sector, and pay cash for his '16 benz
Your leader...
Economics is my wheelhouse.
I've been day drinking all afternoon and just got back to this thread. It delivered.