If by boozing he means his weekly wine club meetings, if by women he means his fondness for strip clubs and internet cam girls, and if by rock-n-roll he means he once went to a Phish concert 20 years ago, then yeah, I guess that makes sense.
Watching tonight's purchase "Legally Boned" on his comfy futon with a six pack of ice cold Zima's and Styx playing in the background. Doing that 7 nights a week could add up I guess.
"You know how much money I'd have if I didn't like women, booze or rock n roll?
But I'd be boring."
Say what you want, but Ken Griswold appears to be living life.
Probably more than if he liked guys, which he does, because the gays are big spenders. A taste for the finer things, like yogurt dipped cucumber, really adds up.
Just stop while you're behind snuggles! A position youre accustomed to
Is he a fucking sketcher? Why is he always contorting his face, sweating like a pig, and looking so disheveled?
And who the hell dresses that guy?
That is I have tuerettes and I need a drink ASAP all wrapped into one.
Fucker looks like he's in withdrawal all the time.
He must sign over everyone's $10.95 to the dude by the Aurora 7-11.
Water is wet.