This was a pretty big dagger for Wazzu last year. Best season in awhile, even better if capped off with an AC win, leading at halftime, and ending with Price dancing in front of their section.
Mine was 00 in Pullman when the official forgot to turn off his mic and said "watch Washington State... they are losing their cool"...
51- 3.
It was after that year that I decided not to go back to Pullman for games.
It was a great day to be a Husky, for sure. However, we had a UW group there for the game and were planning on attending a number of Apple Cup after parties with our WSU friends. After the fucking beat down that was delivered by UW, every party we went to was sad as fuck and a total waste of time.
Got into a number of fights. Froze my ass off. Celebration was lame. Fuck that place.
He's gone
He's gone
51- 3.
This was a pretty big dagger for Wazzu last year. Best season in awhile, even better if capped off with an AC win, leading at halftime, and ending with Price dancing in front of their section.
It was a great day to be a Husky, for sure. However, we had a UW group there for the game and were planning on attending a number of Apple Cup after parties with our WSU friends. After the fucking beat down that was delivered by UW, every party we went to was sad as fuck and a total waste of time.
Got into a number of fights. Froze my ass off. Celebration was lame. Fuck that place.
What made it great was the loud mouth cuog behind me who was giving me a load of shit at 27-14
Never did find out what that ass hole has to say now