I wonder what the lightbulb moment will turn out to be for Ross in realizing that he can become a very rich man playing DB for the rest of his life.
He will play CB. If you ever get a chance ask a player what they think of Brent Pease and you will know why.
I know that Pease is known as something between a hardass and a complete ass ...
But at the same time, the bottom line is whether or not he can make you better or not. If he's THAT bad at what he does, my guess is that he'll not be on the staff long term.
I wonder what the lightbulb moment will turn out to be for Ross in realizing that he can become a very rich man playing DB for the rest of his life.
He will play CB. If you ever get a chance ask a player what they think of Brent Pease and you will know why.
I know that Pease is known as something between a hardass and a complete ass ...
But at the same time, the bottom line is whether or not he can make you better or not. If he's THAT bad at what he does, my guess is that he'll not be on the staff long term.
He had good WR's at Boise under Petersen. I don't care about a WR coach, but Jimmy Lake is a player favorite and Pease is the most hated coach on the staff. If he has a choice about who to deal with everyday, I doubt he's choosing Pease.
I wonder what the lightbulb moment will turn out to be for Ross in realizing that he can become a very rich man playing DB for the rest of his life.
He will play CB. If you ever get a chance ask a player what they think of Brent Pease and you will know why.
I know that Pease is known as something between a hardass and a complete ass ...
But at the same time, the bottom line is whether or not he can make you better or not. If he's THAT bad at what he does, my guess is that he'll not be on the staff long term.
He had good WR's at Boise under Petersen. I don't care about a WR coach, but Jimmy Lake is a player favorite and Pease is the most hated coach on the staff. If he has a choice about who to deal with everyday, I doubt he's choosing Pease.
But at the same time, the bottom line is whether or not he can make you better or not. If he's THAT bad at what he does, my guess is that he'll not be on the staff long term.
But I'll take those runs.