The parking attendants are the absolute worst.....Unhelpful, rude, clueless is just the tip of the iceberg.
I think UW has forgotten who is paying the bills at Montlake.
Attitude of your greeters in any business is a direct reflection of the attitude of management toward it's customers. UW has been very clear for years now, the individual fan is a hindrance to the mission of the AD and school itself.
... and yes, UW knows EXACTLY who pays the bills... Pac-12 TV revenue and bond sale proceeds.
I dropped bball already, and football is on the chopping block. Sick of paying top dollar for these bullshit night games, corny videos/music/etc, shit service and total disregard for paying customers. If I wanted a family fiendly atmosphere, I'd go to a Mariner's game and eat rally fries. I assumed college sports would maintain some semblance of tradition, but in the last decade, shit has gone constantly downhill.
Keep in mind, I HATE money. But even this half brain fucktard has his limits.
If you are a guy, you should ask the nearest person to you to kick you squarely in the nuts ... and then again.
If you are a female, you should probably go find a creepy dude carrying around a banana ...
... and yes, UW knows EXACTLY who pays the bills... Pac-12 TV revenue and bond sale proceeds.
Keep in mind, I HATE money. But even this half brain fucktard has his limits.
Do they have kiss cams and hydro races? It's actually a serious question.