Chris Rabb plays for UAB. At the very least, UAB needs to investigate claims that one of their current players allegedly places bets with a bookie. That's a big fucking deal.
Hmm ... two days ago, a letter is sent from the Alabama Board of Trustees stating that UAB football program may be in jeopardy of losing its state funding. Now, this story about a UAB player allegedly placing bets with a bookie surfaces.
But it's established that Jameis isn't that smart in his decision making abilities ...
I'd be willing to bet (hardy har har) that his friend isn't blessed in decision making abilities either ...
A 30 for 30 movie comes out recently that highlights how you can make money by point shaving ...
Poor decision makers thinking that they are invincible and never will get caught ...
Stranger things HAVE happened.
I can't stand it when the house starts crying foul when they lose a bet. Bitch you know the risk, do your job and do your homework. Welching cunt.
Jameis' attorney requesting a delay.
Why would he do that?
Because he knows that the committee is going to hammer his client - before the playoff.
This story has crab legs.
That's why this is coming out of Alabama. Allegedly.