I hear this guy is tanned, rested, and ready. He's even considered an expert on college football, recently casting votes for the rankings:
Based on this statement, Ty sounds like the right guy for the job. Plus think of all the FREE PUB for Michigan!
Schlissel said he would begin searching for Brandon's replacement immediately.
The president, who took office at Michigan in July, said he will be looking for someone who prioritizes highly the welfare of student-athletes and operates with "integrity to the Michigan way of doing athletics." He said previous ties to the school or its sports teams are not prerequisites for the job.
"I think we need the very best person possible to do this job," Schlissel said. "Certainly, people that have a connection to Michigan know many things about the university. I can tell you, though, despite the fact that I've only been here for about 110 days, I feel like a Michigan man already."
It would also be wrong to photo-shop the picture of Ty and change that UW shirt to a UM shirt. Just flat wrong but it'd be even worse to then poast that photo on a Michigan message bored. Very wrong indeed.
It would also be wrong to photo-shop the picture of Ty and change that UW shirt to a UM shirt. Just flat wrong but it'd be even worse to then poast that photo on a Michigan message bored. Very wrong indeed.
Race, don't forget to change the Nike swoosh to the Adidas triangle!
Let it burn.
I wonder when they're going to drop this whole "Michigan man" bullshit. Hopefully never.
Schlissel said he would begin searching for Brandon's replacement immediately.
The president, who took office at Michigan in July, said he will be looking for someone who prioritizes highly the welfare of student-athletes and operates with "integrity to the Michigan way of doing athletics." He said previous ties to the school or its sports teams are not prerequisites for the job.
"I think we need the very best person possible to do this job," Schlissel said. "Certainly, people that have a connection to Michigan know many things about the university. I can tell you, though, despite the fact that I've only been here for about 110 days, I feel like a Michigan man already."