This guy comes off as a typical pretentious know-it-all with an inflated sense of self-worth. A shameless self-promoter who's own agenda is so transparent that it's laughable and pathetic. He's all about uniting the fan base, but he wants to do it by starting his own website and podcast. The dude is obviously out to try and "make it" in the bidness of covering Husky football. Maybe he can try and suck some dick for Jude's job. What a boof.
This guy comes off as a typical pretentious know-it-all with an inflated sense of self-worth. A shameless self-promoter who's own agenda is so transparent that it's laughable and pathetic. He's all about uniting the fan base, but he wants to do it by starting his own website and podcast. The dude is obviously out to try and "make it" in the bidness of covering Husky football. Maybe he can try and suck some dick for Jude's job. What a boof.
If true... Wow
That doesn't make it any less awesome. I love how he wants to partner with Huskyfan podcast, and bring his own incite. Best line ever. I'm still on record that this is a troll, and one of my favorites.
This guy comes off as a typical pretentious know-it-all with an inflated sense of self-worth. A shameless self-promoter who's own agenda is so transparent that it's laughable and pathetic. He's all about uniting the fan base, but he wants to do it by starting his own website and podcast. The dude is obviously out to try and "make it" in the bidness of covering Husky football. Maybe he can try and suck some dick for Jude's job. What a boof.
This guy comes off as a typical pretentious know-it-all with an inflated sense of self-worth. A shameless self-promoter who's own agenda is so transparent that it's laughable and pathetic. He's all about uniting the fan base, but he wants to do it by starting his own website and podcast. The dude is obviously out to try and "make it" in the bidness of covering Husky football. Maybe he can try and suck some dick for Jude's job. What a boof.
If true... Wow
That doesn't make it any less awesome. I love how he wants to partner with Huskyfan podcast, and bring his own incite. Best line ever. I'm still on record that this is a troll, and one of my favorites.
I hope it's a whoosh. Hats off to the guy if that is the case.
But something tells me this guy is dead serious and that is even more hilarious.
This guy comes off as a typical pretentious know-it-all with an inflated sense of self-worth. A shameless self-promoter who's own agenda is so transparent that it's laughable and pathetic. He's all about uniting the fan base, but he wants to do it by starting his own website and podcast. The dude is obviously out to try and "make it" in the bidness of covering Husky football. Maybe he can try and suck some dick for Jude's job. What a boof.
If true... Wow
That doesn't make it any less awesome. I love how he wants to partner with Huskyfan podcast, and bring his own incite. Best line ever. I'm still on record that this is a troll, and one of my favorites.
I hope it's a whoosh. Hats off to the guy if that is the case.
But something tells me this guy is dead serious and that is even more hilarious.
If it comes to light that this guy is legit, then it will be one of the most pathetic and hilarious things I've ever witnessed.
This guy comes off as a typical pretentious know-it-all with an inflated sense of self-worth. A shameless self-promoter who's own agenda is so transparent that it's laughable and pathetic. He's all about uniting the fan base, but he wants to do it by starting his own website and podcast. The dude is obviously out to try and "make it" in the bidness of covering Husky football. Maybe he can try and suck some dick for Jude's job. What a boof.
If true... Wow
That doesn't make it any less awesome. I love how he wants to partner with Huskyfan podcast, and bring his own incite. Best line ever. I'm still on record that this is a troll, and one of my favorites.
I hope it's a whoosh. Hats off to the guy if that is the case.
But something tells me this guy is dead serious and that is even more hilarious.
If it comes to light that this guy is legit, then it will be one of the most pathetic and hilarious things I've ever witnessed.
I said the optimal number would be 3, if I said 4 then that was my mistake that would be crazy. The fans need contact and correct information and that is the way I run my website.
I said the optimal number would be 3, if I said 4 then that was my mistake that would be crazy. The fans need contact and correct information and that is the way I run my website.
You getting good traffic over there yet? I think you really need to start delving into recruiting. People like recruiting. Young boys. Hips. Showers. Etc.
Thank you for the link, kind sir.
great. great song.
Whooshyist whoosh that ever did whooooooosh.
This guy comes off as a typical pretentious know-it-all with an inflated sense of self-worth. A shameless self-promoter who's own agenda is so transparent that it's laughable and pathetic. He's all about uniting the fan base, but he wants to do it by starting his own website and podcast. The dude is obviously out to try and "make it" in the bidness of covering Husky football. Maybe he can try and suck some dick for Jude's job. What a boof.
If true... Wow
But something tells me this guy is dead serious and that is even more hilarious.
I'm pretty aroused right now.
@huskyfanpodcast why don't you care about huskiie football and orally ingest so many male genitalia?