Softy said it on the air. Then he backed off of it a bit when he had Rick on. He didn't say it definitively when Rick was on but he did earlier. Jude hasn't put out anything in the time but we know he isn't big on updating the blog real time.....
Softy said it on the air. Then he backed off of it a bit when he had Rick on. He didn't say it definitively when Rick was on but he did earlier. Jude hasn't put out anything in the time but we know he isn't big on updating the blog real time.....
jewed is rolling a fatty right now and plotting his strategic drive to go get ding dongs after he beats the Huskies as the Ducks on his Xbox 360 ...
<,︻╦╤─ -- - - -- - -- Allahu Akbar الله اكبر
Don't twist...just what I'm hearing.