@Swaye is already passed out in a pool of his own vomit as the hookers who's asses he snorted coke off of pick his pockets and sneak up the stairs hoping his mom doesn't catch them.
@Swaye is already passed out in a pool of his own vomit as the hookers who's asses he snorted coke off of pick his pockets and sneak up the stairs hoping his mom doesn't catch them.
I woke up just to awesome this and eat some hot pocket crumbs out of my bellybutton. Mom caught them. Hell, she paid for them.
If Cyler handles one blitz by doing anything other than a) getting sacked, b) throwing the ball away when a hot receiver is wide open, or c) trying to run out the back of the pocket when he could simply step up, I will stop poasting* for the rest of my life.
*or whatever.