First off, welcome to our message boards. You're about to enter lively forums centered around college football. We've created a place where people can relax and say what's on their mind without being banned and deleted. While we began as Washington-centric, fans from other Pac-12 schools spend time here and are welcome.
The majority of posters are very passionate (and some are quite eccentric) and that will show in the banter featured here. One military member stationed in the Midwest calls this place his "Internet Romper Room" and that's an apt description. The best advice might be to lurk awhile and get acclimated to the environment before posting. Given a little time, you'll "get it" and really come to enjoy this place. Before you know it, you might become a regular too.
A few of us flying into town for this game and we are staying downtown, is the rail safe or should we get alternative trans to our hotel? Really excited as some in our group have never been to Seattle or a Husky game. Go Huskies!
What the hell? The game is in Arizona. I already booked my flight. It just happens to coincide with's special on girls of ASU. I'm hoping to meet some.
lol lol lol lol lol
First off, welcome to our message boards. You're about to enter lively forums centered around college football. We've created a place where people can relax and say what's on their mind without being banned and deleted. While we began as Washington-centric, fans from other Pac-12 schools spend time here and are welcome.
The majority of posters are very passionate (and some are quite eccentric) and that will show in the banter featured here. One military member stationed in the Midwest calls this place his "Internet Romper Room" and that's an apt description. The best advice might be to lurk awhile and get acclimated to the environment before posting. Given a little time, you'll "get it" and really come to enjoy this place. Before you know it, you might become a regular too.