Mora's player development is as bad as Sark's. Hundley is no better than when he was a freshman. I suspect Myles Jack will be the same. The OL has sucked every year since he's been there.
Hundley does not have the "it" factor. I always have zero faith he can lead a team in a two-minute offense and score. He might be book smart, but he is football stupid.
The problem with Moras teams are the same with Sark. No identity. Everytime I watch them they are something different.
Also lack of discipline.
This and player development are the issues. The defensive scheme obviously sucks too. And the playcalling and how they use Hundley. In other words, they have a talented team that is poorly coached.
UCLA will be on the market for a new coach soon.
PDXDuxkfan owns you guys!