Good grief, are you frickin' serious??? So, a Wildcat mascot promotes rape now? Due to his ferocious eyes and animal mannerisms? You do know that a Wildcat is not a house pussycat, correct?
Your post is a good example of the political correctness that, IMHO, is going too far and making it darn near impossible to live freely in the US. No, I don't condone rape, murder, breaking the law, etc. Nor do I condone the femi-nazi attitudes towards the male today.
Thankfully, I am no longer a young male living in the US these days. If I were, I would be scared to death of dating....let alone doing a one night stand from a bar pickup. All it would take today, is for any of the girls I passed on to get pissed, cry rape, and my life would be over due to the presumption of guilt these days from a mere claim.
Again, I deplore rapists (including those who use chemicals to disable their victims) BUT this does not include those who get drunk, make a bad decision of their own free-will, then decide to rectify it by crying rape. These days, you pretty much need a signed contract, with witnesses, before engaging in any sexual liaisons in the US IMHO.
I love women, resoect them, and treat them as a gentleman just like my parents taught me. However, if I still lived in the US, I would be scared to death of them these days.... Please take your PC attitude and leave poor Wilbur alone.
Ok, rant over. Bear Down and hoping Wilbur takes the USC Trojan from behind on the sidelines and does what a Wildcat does in the wild. ;-). It's a joke....but I guess that's probably not politically correct these days either. :-(
Operation Troojan is going even better than I could have imagined
edit: race's post is making my side hurt
"This guy is a bRuin troll trying to make Trojans look bad. Real USC fans could not be more thrilled to have the best playcaller in America roaming our sidelines. Sark is here to stay and the Pac 12 better watch out
Together, we can make a difference.
Your post is a good example of the political correctness that, IMHO, is going too far and making it darn near impossible to live freely in the US. No, I don't condone rape, murder, breaking the law, etc. Nor do I condone the femi-nazi attitudes towards the male today.
Thankfully, I am no longer a young male living in the US these days. If I were, I would be scared to death of dating....let alone doing a one night stand from a bar pickup. All it would take today, is for any of the girls I passed on to get pissed, cry rape, and my life would be over due to the presumption of guilt these days from a mere claim.
Again, I deplore rapists (including those who use chemicals to disable their victims) BUT this does not include those who get drunk, make a bad decision of their own free-will, then decide to rectify it by crying rape. These days, you pretty much need a signed contract, with witnesses, before engaging in any sexual liaisons in the US IMHO.
I love women, resoect them, and treat them as a gentleman just like my parents taught me. However, if I still lived in the US, I would be scared to death of them these days.... Please take your PC attitude and leave poor Wilbur alone.
Ok, rant over. Bear Down and hoping Wilbur takes the USC Trojan from behind on the sidelines and does what a Wildcat does in the wild. ;-). It's a joke....but I guess that's probably not politically correct these days either. :-(
At least our mascot promotes raping responsibly.
fucking lol
Operation Troojan is going even better than I could have imagined
edit: race's post is making my side hurt
"This guy is a bRuin troll trying to make Trojans look bad. Real USC fans could not be more thrilled to have the best playcaller in America roaming our sidelines. Sark is here to stay and the Pac 12 better watch out
LOL, at least some Zona poasters are catching on