Contrary to the news headlines of the day, I believe that racism in this country is far less prevalent than what is depicted in the MSM.
And you are way off. The shit that I've heard and that has been said around the country is mind blowing. One small example - I have an uncle that lives in Chelan. Well, a kid at a local elementary school got into trouble because he said his dad expressed a belief about what should happen to the ni__er Obama.
Several high schools in the south still have separate proms (rent the movie "Prom Night in Mississippi").
Two different friends of mine that attended the University of Virginia and Duke University talked about the "N" word being used frequently at parties when only whites are around.
If you don't think a lot of the messages being said by "conservative" commentators about Obama are thinly-veiled racist comments, then you're blind or you're not being honest. Comments like "take our country back," and "he's not one of us" are pretty obvious. There are plenty of websites you can access if you want more examples.
The last thing I will say is that a white man sitting in the state of Washington is in no position to judge racism in the rest of the United States.
Yes. There are racists. Derek is taking about in general as compared to years past. I even heard a black woman called a Hispanic man a Creepy Ass Cracker. I guess that proves it.
Yet you over look th new black panthers and overt hatred of whites by many blacks.
Look at yhe big picture. Yes, there was a white prom... And what happened. The kids called bullshit.
DJ pretty specifically avoided the wording you just used. Probably for a reason. A reason you can't seem to see from inside the bubble.
Hundreds of years of oppression versus the new black panther party. I guess we're even then.
Contrary to the news headlines of the day, I believe that racism in this country is far less prevalent than what is depicted in the MSM.
And you are way off. The shit that I've heard and that has been said around the country is mind blowing. One small example - I have an uncle that lives in Chelan. Well, a kid at a local elementary school got into trouble because he said his dad expressed a belief about what should happen to the ni__er Obama.
Several high schools in the south still have separate proms (rent the movie "Prom Night in Mississippi").
Two different friends of mine that attended the University of Virginia and Duke University talked about the "N" word being used frequently at parties when only whites are around.
If you don't think a lot of the messages being said by "conservative" commentators about Obama are thinly-veiled racist comments, then you're blind or you're not being honest. Comments like "take our country back," and "he's not one of us" are pretty obvious. There are plenty of websites you can access if you want more examples.
The last thing I will say is that a white man sitting in the state of Washington is in no position to judge racism in the rest of the United States.
Yes. There are racists. Derek is taking about in general as compared to years past. I even heard a black woman called a Hispanic man a Creepy Ass Cracker. I guess that proves it.
Yet you over look th new black panthers and overt hatred of whites by many blacks.
Look at yhe big picture. Yes, there was a white prom... And what happened. The kids called bullshit.
Of course things have gotten better, especially since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act (which is now under attack again).
I'm not overlooking anything. "Prejudice" goes both ways, but has gotten better both ways. Attacks on whites by blacks yelling "this is for Trayvon" are bullshit, and the perpetrators should be punished. The New Black Panthers are dipshits, and hatred in either direction is stupid and wrong. But "racism" requires power, and whites are not the victims of societal racism; Blacks & Hispanics are.
Regarding the movie, which kids called Bullshit on it? Certainly not all of them. It was only the kids at the mixed prom that called bullshit, and even some of them were tempered in their criticism. That the mixed prom even took place is a sign of progress, but the existence of the white only prom shows we still have a long ways to go.
Yet somehow enough white people voted for a black man to be president of the United States of America.
Yes. Racist exist. They always will. So do pedophiles, murderers theives, arsonists etc.
You're part of the problem. People like you can't have an honest discussion about the issues in America without calling someone a racist is 2 sentences.
When the left was talking about taking the country back from Bush was it thinly veiled racism? Get a fucking clue and grow up and learn the difference between racism and politics. What a whiny cunt. Criticizing Ty was racist too. After all he was a great fucking coach
Grandpa, clear the dust from your dried ball sack, and stop posting photos of your granddaughter. It's creepy.
Have you ever been to a tea party rally in Washington, DC? I won't bother posting some of the signs that they carry around. You can find them through a quick image search. And "take our country back" has occasionally been used in speeches in prior decades, but it's been a constant theme among those that also espouse that Obama is a foreigner or a muslim radical. There's a difference.
Contrary to the news headlines of the day, I believe that racism in this country is far less prevalent than what is depicted in the MSM.
And you are way off. The shit that I've heard and that has been said around the country is mind blowing. One small example - I have an uncle that lives in Chelan. Well, a kid at a local elementary school got into trouble because he said his dad expressed a belief about what should happen to the ni__er Obama.
Several high schools in the south still have separate proms (rent the movie "Prom Night in Mississippi").
Two different friends of mine that attended the University of Virginia and Duke University talked about the "N" word being used frequently at parties when only whites are around.
If you don't think a lot of the messages being said by "conservative" commentators about Obama are thinly-veiled racist comments, then you're blind or you're not being honest. Comments like "take our country back," and "he's not one of us" are pretty obvious. There are plenty of websites you can access if you want more examples.
The last thing I will say is that a white man sitting in the state of Washington is in no position to judge racism in the rest of the United States.
Yes. There are racists. Derek is taking about in general as compared to years past. I even heard a black woman called a Hispanic man a Creepy Ass Cracker. I guess that proves it.
Yet you over look th new black panthers and overt hatred of whites by many blacks.
Look at yhe big picture. Yes, there was a white prom... And what happened. The kids called bullshit.
Of course things have gotten better, especially since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act (which is now under attack again).
I'm not overlooking anything. "Prejudice" goes both ways, but has gotten better both ways. Attacks on whites by blacks yelling "this is for Trayvon" are bullshit, and the perpetrators should be punished. The New Black Panthers are dipshits, and hatred in either direction is stupid and wrong. But "racism" requires power, and whites are not the victims of societal racism; Blacks & Hispanics are.
Regarding the movie, which kids called Bullshit on it? Certainly not all of them. It was only the kids at the mixed prom that called bullshit, and even some of them were tempered in their criticism. That the mixed prom even took place is a sign of progress, but the existence of the white only prom shows we still have a long ways to go.
Yet somehow enough white people voted for a black man to be president of the United States of America.
You're part of the problem.
I believe majority of middle aged white males still voted for Romney then McCain prior to that.
Obama owned the minority and female votes though plus young people.
When the left was talking about taking the country back from Bush
Don't recall that being a mantra... "take the country back" was not a common phrase then.
It's ok Race, I know Racism is a touchy subject for you. Passion can't look at Passionism objectively either.
Yes it was whether you recall it or not. Its fucking politics. If Obama wasn't a hapless loser like Ty you wouldn't need this half ass defense of him. Speaking of power dynamics this country elected him twice. Get a fucking clue. I'm glad our son isn't a whiny ass guilty white piece if shit. We raised a proud and successful Black man who wouldn't give some cracker a second thought. Yeah I am sensitive on it. Any more help from whitey liberal may kill the race
Contrary to the news headlines of the day, I believe that racism in this country is far less prevalent than what is depicted in the MSM.
And you are way off. The shit that I've heard and that has been said around the country is mind blowing. One small example - I have an uncle that lives in Chelan. Well, a kid at a local elementary school got into trouble because he said his dad expressed a belief about what should happen to the ni__er Obama.
Several high schools in the south still have separate proms (rent the movie "Prom Night in Mississippi").
Two different friends of mine that attended the University of Virginia and Duke University talked about the "N" word being used frequently at parties when only whites are around.
If you don't think a lot of the messages being said by "conservative" commentators about Obama are thinly-veiled racist comments, then you're blind or you're not being honest. Comments like "take our country back," and "he's not one of us" are pretty obvious. There are plenty of websites you can access if you want more examples.
The last thing I will say is that a white man sitting in the state of Washington is in no position to judge racism in the rest of the United States.
Yes. There are racists. Derek is taking about in general as compared to years past. I even heard a black woman called a Hispanic man a Creepy Ass Cracker. I guess that proves it.
Yet you over look th new black panthers and overt hatred of whites by many blacks.
Look at yhe big picture. Yes, there was a white prom... And what happened. The kids called bullshit.
Of course things have gotten better, especially since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act (which is now under attack again).
I'm not overlooking anything. "Prejudice" goes both ways, but has gotten better both ways. Attacks on whites by blacks yelling "this is for Trayvon" are bullshit, and the perpetrators should be punished. The New Black Panthers are dipshits, and hatred in either direction is stupid and wrong. But "racism" requires power, and whites are not the victims of societal racism; Blacks & Hispanics are.
Regarding the movie, which kids called Bullshit on it? Certainly not all of them. It was only the kids at the mixed prom that called bullshit, and even some of them were tempered in their criticism. That the mixed prom even took place is a sign of progress, but the existence of the white only prom shows we still have a long ways to go.
Yet somehow enough white people voted for a black man to be president of the United States of America.
You're part of the problem.
I believe majority of middle aged white males still voted for Romney then McCain prior to that.
Obama owned the minority and female votes though plus young people.
When the left was talking about taking the country back from Bush
Don't recall that being a mantra... "take the country back" was not a common phrase then.
It's ok Race, I know Racism is a touchy subject for you. Passion can't look at Passionism objectively either.
Yes it was whether you recall it or not. Its fucking politics. If Obama wasn't a hapless loser like Ty you wouldn't need this half ass defense of him. Speaking of power dynamics this country elected him twice. Get a fucking clue. I'm glad our son isn't a whiny ass guilty white piece if shit. We raised a proud and successful Black mulatto man who wouldn't give some cracker a second thought. Yeah I am sensitive on it. Any more help from whitey liberal may kill the race
When the left was talking about taking the country back from Bush
Don't recall that being a mantra... "take the country back" was not a common phrase then.
It's ok Race, I know Racism is a touchy subject for you. Passion can't look at Passionism objectively either.
Yes it was whether you recall it or not. Its fucking politics. If Obama wasn't a hapless loser like Ty you wouldn't need this half ass defense of him. Speaking of power dynamics this country elected him twice. Get a fucking clue. I'm glad our son isn't a whiny ass guilty white piece if shit. We raised a proud and successful Black man who wouldn't give some cracker a second thought. Yeah I am sensitive on it. Any more help from whitey liberal may kill the race
Well at least now we know who you're getting your weed from.
Contrary to the news headlines of the day, I believe that racism in this country is far less prevalent than what is depicted in the MSM.
And you are way off. The shit that I've heard and that has been said around the country is mind blowing. One small example - I have an uncle that lives in Chelan. Well, a kid at a local elementary school got into trouble because he said his dad expressed a belief about what should happen to the ni__er Obama.
Several high schools in the south still have separate proms (rent the movie "Prom Night in Mississippi").
Two different friends of mine that attended the University of Virginia and Duke University talked about the "N" word being used frequently at parties when only whites are around.
If you don't think a lot of the messages being said by "conservative" commentators about Obama are thinly-veiled racist comments, then you're blind or you're not being honest. Comments like "take our country back," and "he's not one of us" are pretty obvious. There are plenty of websites you can access if you want more examples.
The last thing I will say is that a white man sitting in the state of Washington is in no position to judge racism in the rest of the United States.
Yes. There are racists. Derek is taking about in general as compared to years past. I even heard a black woman called a Hispanic man a Creepy Ass Cracker. I guess that proves it.
Yet you over look th new black panthers and overt hatred of whites by many blacks.
Look at yhe big picture. Yes, there was a white prom... And what happened. The kids called bullshit.
Of course things have gotten better, especially since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act (which is now under attack again).
I'm not overlooking anything. "Prejudice" goes both ways, but has gotten better both ways. Attacks on whites by blacks yelling "this is for Trayvon" are bullshit, and the perpetrators should be punished. The New Black Panthers are dipshits, and hatred in either direction is stupid and wrong. But "racism" requires power, and whites are not the victims of societal racism; Blacks & Hispanics are.
Regarding the movie, which kids called Bullshit on it? Certainly not all of them. It was only the kids at the mixed prom that called bullshit, and even some of them were tempered in their criticism. That the mixed prom even took place is a sign of progress, but the existence of the white only prom shows we still have a long ways to go.
Yet somehow enough white people voted for a black man to be president of the United States of America.
You're part of the problem.
I believe majority of middle aged white males still voted for Romney then McCain prior to that.
Obama owned the minority and female votes though plus young people.
And the majority of middle class white males votes for bush over Kerry. Did you have a point on race or politics?
"Take our country back" has nothing to with race whatsoever. Obama is a naked Marxist and his own wife said she was never proud of America until her husband got elected. Ideologically, they are not cut from the fabric of America, if you will. But you know how you're a hypocrite? Because if I said "let's elect Allen West as president" in a separate thread, you would chime in with some sort of Uncle Tom reference.
You're demonstrating why people used to toy with you at Dawgman by making Stanback comments. They knew that doing that in your presence was like stepping between a mama bear and her cub.
Contrary to the news headlines of the day, I believe that racism in this country is far less prevalent than what is depicted in the MSM.
And you are way off. The shit that I've heard and that has been said around the country is mind blowing. One small example - I have an uncle that lives in Chelan. Well, a kid at a local elementary school got into trouble because he said his dad expressed a belief about what should happen to the ni__er Obama.
Several high schools in the south still have separate proms (rent the movie "Prom Night in Mississippi").
Two different friends of mine that attended the University of Virginia and Duke University talked about the "N" word being used frequently at parties when only whites are around.
If you don't think a lot of the messages being said by "conservative" commentators about Obama are thinly-veiled racist comments, then you're blind or you're not being honest. Comments like "take our country back," and "he's not one of us" are pretty obvious. There are plenty of websites you can access if you want more examples.
The last thing I will say is that a white man sitting in the state of Washington is in no position to judge racism in the rest of the United States.
Yes. There are racists. Derek is taking about in general as compared to years past. I even heard a black woman called a Hispanic man a Creepy Ass Cracker. I guess that proves it.
Yet you over look th new black panthers and overt hatred of whites by many blacks.
Look at yhe big picture. Yes, there was a white prom... And what happened. The kids called bullshit.
Of course things have gotten better, especially since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act (which is now under attack again).
I'm not overlooking anything. "Prejudice" goes both ways, but has gotten better both ways. Attacks on whites by blacks yelling "this is for Trayvon" are bullshit, and the perpetrators should be punished. The New Black Panthers are dipshits, and hatred in either direction is stupid and wrong. But "racism" requires power, and whites are not the victims of societal racism; Blacks & Hispanics are.
Regarding the movie, which kids called Bullshit on it? Certainly not all of them. It was only the kids at the mixed prom that called bullshit, and even some of them were tempered in their criticism. That the mixed prom even took place is a sign of progress, but the existence of the white only prom shows we still have a long ways to go.
Yet somehow enough white people voted for a black man to be president of the United States of America.
You're part of the problem.
I believe majority of middle aged white males still voted for Romney then McCain prior to that.
Obama owned the minority and female votes though plus young people.
And the majority of middle class white males votes for bush over Kerry. Did you have a point on race or politics?
I'm staying out of this as both sides have made up their minds already so no point sharing my views. Was just pointing out the voting demographics is all.
The existence of freaknik shows how far we have yet to go in this country.
LOL. Freaknik doesn't exist anymore.
It does exist in a very small version of its former self. And why? Because those participating thought it a bad idea or did the white man shut it down.
Hundreds of years of oppression versus the new black panther party. I guess we're even then.
It's ok Race, I know Racism is a touchy subject for you. Passion can't look at Passionism objectively either.
Yes. Racist exist. They always will. So do pedophiles, murderers theives, arsonists etc.
You're part of the problem. People like you can't have an honest discussion about the issues in America without calling someone a racist is 2 sentences.
Have you ever been to a tea party rally in Washington, DC? I won't bother posting some of the signs that they carry around. You can find them through a quick image search. And "take our country back" has occasionally been used in speeches in prior decades, but it's been a constant theme among those that also espouse that Obama is a foreigner or a muslim radical. There's a difference.
And here is a little something for you to watch, Mr. Bannon:
Obama owned the minority and female votes though plus young people.
You're demonstrating why people used to toy with you at Dawgman by making Stanback comments. They knew that doing that in your presence was like stepping between a mama bear and her cub.