I like to call a 1 or 1 hundred a "buck". If there is 1:30 left in the game I like to say there is a buck thirty left. Of if a back rushes for 125 yards like to say they ran for a buck twenty five. When the break 100 yards I like to say crossed tge century mark. I find saying those things makes me more appealing to the viewer. So I do that.
I like to call white tight ends "reliable". They are not black and therefore presumably have no speed. But they presumably work harder than everyone else to compensate, and therefore I call them reliable. It's what I like to do.
I like to call white tight ends "reliable". They are not black and therefore presumably have no speed. But they presumably work harder than everyone else to compensate, and therefore I call them reliable. It's what I like to do.
I like to call white tight ends "reliable". They are not black and therefore presumably have no speed. But they presumably work harder than everyone else to compensate, and therefore I call them reliable. It's what I like to do.
When watching a game live, and I see the QB recognize his WR beating the DB on a deep route, I almost instinctively say “That’s six!” out loud as soon as the ball is released. It’s a habit that I’ve developed over the years. Please don’t judge me.
I bought an new truck and was programming the radio and happened to hear Softy interviewing Stewart Mandel last night on the way home.
Mandel said that the AD's around the country really need football or you will see a lot of Olympic sports go away at least temporarily. Softy responded " I agree" and then blathered on with some other shit that I can't remember. It reminded me why I hate him so bad. He's fucking horrible. Nothing he says or does is remotely interesting. He doesn't listen to the interviewee and respond appropriately.
Fuck myself with a rusty cheese grater for listening.
I bought an new truck and was programming the radio and happened to hear Softy interviewing Stewart Mandel last night on the way home.
Mandel said that the AD's around the country really need football or you will see a lot of Olympic sports go away at least temporarily. Softy responded " I agree" and then blathered on with some other shit that I can't remember. It reminded me why I hate him so bad. He's fucking horrible. Nothing he says or does is remotely interesting. He doesn't listen to the interviewee and respond appropriately.
Fuck myself with a rusty cheese grater for listening.
Obviously, you haven't been to Autzen Stadium recently
best backhanded compliment ever.
Back when I played, DC's used handle signals for calling defenses, including blitzes. Things are different now.
I bought an new truck and was programming the radio and happened to hear Softy interviewing Stewart Mandel last night on the way home.
Mandel said that the AD's around the country really need football or you will see a lot of Olympic sports go away at least temporarily. Softy responded " I agree" and then blathered on with some other shit that I can't remember. It reminded me why I hate him so bad. He's fucking horrible. Nothing he says or does is remotely interesting. He doesn't listen to the interviewee and respond appropriately.
Fuck myself with a rusty cheese grater for listening.