From the Reddit Group ...
My favorite part, is their sick obsession with Kim Grinolds. It's like, 90% of them still subscribe to Dawgman just so they can understand all the little in-jokes and make fun of him.
They are literally paying $120 a year to pay that man's salary while Derek Johnson begs and pleads small, piece of shit dives bars in Edmonds and ticket scalping sights for advertising revenue all begging his people to "donate" to his site or buy his books.... all so that they can laugh, and mock Dawgman...which they still PAY $120 a years for.
and they think I'm the stupid one.
btw, I would totally post this there, but they don't like hearing opposing views, so they banned me.... just like Dawgman... which is a topic they like to whine about...No warning.. just gone
Irony much.
EDIT: I am banned... proof 2: oops. wrong image, that was a close one: 3: Banned again... won't even let me post. They would rather make an account. Funny how they celebrate users to terrorize Dawgman yet insta-ban those on HHB.
EDIT4: For those in the SupercanuckFS .... I created this Sub-Reddit for you in case any of you want to discuss. intend to post your greatest hits here just in case the AD or mainstream advertisers are interested in supporting you all. Cheers!
Kim's days are numbered. (and no, that isn't a threat on your life you pussy)
You have to be lowlife scum to get banned from HH