In my pre-game post warning about the bored meltdown due to all the quarterbrains who were expecting us to win the furd game, I stated that I would be disappointed but not pissed if we lose a hard fought close game that we see improvement in all facets of games., I found myself somewhat pissed and a bit concerned after the game. Pissed because we had 0 improvement on offense and special team did not improve (though admittedly against a much better and dangerous team compared with our preseason games). I stated several factors that will likely determine the outcome of the game and the first was our offensive lines and running game. Sure enough, that is where our game is lost. I am sure many will argue QR play was more responsible for the loss and yes if you judge everything equally, that would be valid. However, from where we came from Miles did pretty much what I expected. All I hoped was he kept a clean slate and he did just that. In other words, he did not put us in a position to win but neither did he put us in a position to lose. If after the pre season games, any of you were still expecting him to win the game for us (which was the case in that final drive, what a dreckfest!) then I can't help you.
What however got me concerned is Peterman. I was ecstatic when we hired him and I wasn't the least bit concerned about his coming from Boise, that all his predecessors at Boise did not fare well in big conferences, and that he lost to Losingham before etc. His winning percentage at Boise was no fluke. One thing that did concern me a little was his last year's record at Boise (worst record for his tenure and the way his team lost to Sark) and the reason for his leaving Boise. All seem to point that he has lost a bit of his fire/drive and needed a change of scenery. That would not be too big a deal if the change of scenary did reignite his fire/drive and I was quite happy with pretty much all the decisions he has made so far. That is until the punt decision in the 4th quarter. It was pretty clear at that point that the likely way for us to win that game would be for our defense to get a turnover deep in their territory (maybe even score directly) or for our offense to get lucky like in the first half with a string of penalties against Stanford. Neither is good odds given the limited time left unless the game drags on way into the overtime. Many have pointed out the punt is a high risk low return decision so why would he do it? My hunch is he did not want the game to drag too long with continued offensive stalemate and hence made a rash decision to roll the dice. In other words, he did not have the slug it out mentality. In my pre-game post, I listed Peterman as our no. 1 strength and it certainly did not pan out for this game.
I am far from giving up on Peterman though. Now we have a bye week and a lot of tapes to go back to retool our offense and if we come out after this a much better team, I would chalk this one as a one time slip. Even if he decides now that Miles isn't the one to carry us very far and decides to go with Williams or Carta Samuels if that is what it takes (obviously a bit late) at the cost of losing a couple of more games this year so we can win more down the road, I will be all for it.
I agree. I still can't wrap my head around the fake. Fuck.
Less Tequila copying
Link @RaceBannon