It sure sounds like a bunch of fags on this board still have a very intimate knowledge of what is going on at Doogman.
Grow some hair on your balls and cancel. Stop giving those assholes money. I did, and it felt/feels great. Very liberating to not support their bullshit while bitching about it on another board.
Rather than pile on with the same points, I'll add something different: eklund always provides his "insight" on high school athletes after he "breaks down" film and "performs analysis" at summer camps.
But what business does eklund have evaluating talent? What proven skills as an evaluator does he bring to the table?
Nobody at dawgman knows a fucking thing about football. That's why I went to practices myself for the last 25 years. You want something done right, do it your fucking self. Done rely on a bunch of band dorks and art majors (race) to deliver insight. Fuck, no wonder there's so many tards on this board. Fetters brainwashed you dipshits for so long.
Just when I think maybe you could add value to the site you snap me back to reality and prove me wrong on that point.
How quickly you have forgotten that Steel did bring the word cuntwaffle to all of our attention.
Reading these re-hashes of dramas that some of you girls had at Doogman is pretty tiresome really.
I agree with the advice: just stop paying, and better yet, stop going. I cut my paid subscription there in 2003 and never regretted it. I also feel I have a better grasp of recruiting without all of their misinformation. The facts are out there. I don't need to pay those people to tell me the facts.
But far too many threads here remind me of threads I used to read at Doogman about Ruth. Gads. A bunch of girls with twists in their panties....
Reading these re-hashes of dramas that some of you girls had at Doogman is pretty tiresome really.
I agree with the advice: just stop paying, and better yet, stop going. I cut my paid subscription there in 2003 and never regretted it. I also feel I have a better grasp of recruiting without all of their misinformation. The facts are out there. I don't need to pay those people to tell me the facts.
But far too many threads here remind me of threads I used to read at Doogman about Ruth. Gads. A bunch of girls with twists in their panties....
Adding cuntwaffle to the lexicon around here has basically given him a free pass. He is playing with house money.
The moment I read that I knew it was time (aka I wasn't young anymore).
I agree with the advice: just stop paying, and better yet, stop going. I cut my paid subscription there in 2003 and never regretted it. I also feel I have a better grasp of recruiting without all of their misinformation. The facts are out there. I don't need to pay those people to tell me the facts.
But far too many threads here remind me of threads I used to read at Doogman about Ruth. Gads. A bunch of girls with twists in their panties....