Somebody clearly must have typed up a recruiting blog for Ektard while Ektard was hanging out with Jood playing Mario Kart ... lots of twisting going on
I am pretty sure if the thread doesn't just go *poof* that they will say "Scott said Roberts WAS ready to commit. Remember we are dealing with 17-18 year old kids here, they change their mind all the time".
That was pretty solid. It almost seemed like he was reeling them in with every comment he made, sure of what they would say and all ready with the replys the minute they did.
That was pretty solid. It almost seemed like he was reeling them in with every comment he made, sure of what they would say and all ready with the replys the minute they did.
Can someone photoshop Fetters face in as the Admiral?
Had been thinking it was some dude giving handies to clones of himself.
The internet has ruined me.
Some of you need to learn the difference
Can someone photoshop Fetters face in as the Admiral?