(How do you get John Ross the ball more?) “It’s tough. You try to distribute and things. We try to get him in some spots. We’ve got to be a little bit more – we did throw him a reverse every game. So that’s a little bit traditional now. So we’ve got to find ways to do it. If we want to push the pace tempo, it’s sometimes tougher to isolate a guy particularly. He’s on our radar. We’re still working to get him some touches.”
(Is that a nice problem to have?) “It’s a fun problem. It’s a headache to answer questions and hear about it. But it’s a fun problem to have.”
(Less of a concern when you run the ball well?) “Yeah, there’s no doubt, when you’re running the ball. But that’s a piece of our ability to run the ball when they know John’s sitting over here, they’ve got to have some answers. They go hand in hand. If we’re scoring, we’re feeling OK, whoever’s doing it.”