No they fucking haven't. They just got you and obk to believe their bullshit. 5g mind control and EMF blood -brain barrier being peddled - and in the meantime clean water and air regs are being weakened and you seemingly aren't very concerned about that- which is a clear threat to public health. Vaccines don't cause autism and there is no data set that says otherwise whether you want to admit it or not. Sorry, don't blame me for knowing this.
C-19 policy errors don’t negate a century’s worth of scientific advancement though. The scientists have been right far more than they’ve been wrong. And they’re a safer bet than contrarians.
Questioning within reason is fine. My questioning had me paying for a year of Jesus indoctrination private school. Epidemiologists are focused on a few metrics and don’t have to make the difficult risk analysis choices on economics and developmental damages to kids. But questioning shouldn’t lead to full blown bs contrarianism.
I'll never forget mentioning this in a physics class at UW and a EE lost his shit over it (not at me, ranting about the people that assert this about cell phones).
Yeah this foreign guy (Russian?) went off about how they purposefully ignore how the brain and skull aren't really affected by any of this. You could take from his ranting that he probably wanted to get into that space after school.
Any time someone wants to bring new science to refute the old science, I'm all for it. That's not what is being done here. Anecdotal evidence is being presented as data, and that's not how good science is done. There isn't any good data showing EMF causes cancer or genetic mutations, so why argue as if there is?
This has been studied extensively - and the results I've seen haven't supported the idea that EMF causes cancer. If there is peer-reviewed evidence that says otherwise, I'm not aware of it.
i’ll ask my contacts next month @BleachedAnusDawg. I got mine in 2019 but during Covid times they had to put the garage sales on hold to find some cost savings.
Anyone know of a hotel gym in NY that has dumbbells bigger than 50 lbs and less than 10 individual yoga stations that take up 90 % of the square footage?
Completely agree. Get our kids off FS smart phones.
Why the constant rehash of bullshit theories that have been thoroughly debunked already?
This is obk level kookery.
So far RFKj and Jenny McCarthy hae been right, you know.
No they fucking haven't. They just got you and obk to believe their bullshit. 5g mind control and EMF blood -brain barrier being peddled - and in the meantime clean water and air regs are being weakened and you seemingly aren't very concerned about that- which is a clear threat to public health. Vaccines don't cause autism and there is no data set that says otherwise whether you want to admit it or not. Sorry, don't blame me for knowing this.
There's enough out there to consider there may be risks.
After C19, we should NEVER trust the science blindly again. And thank god there are scientists still practicing science and asking questions.
Doesn't mean The Throbber is saying talking on your cell phone causes brain cancer. Don't twist.
C-19 policy errors don’t negate a century’s worth of scientific advancement though. The scientists have been right far more than they’ve been wrong. And they’re a safer bet than contrarians.
The point being - they make mistakes and questioning should be encouraged.
By definition, science is questioning.
All that advancement of which you speak was a result of questioning.
Questioning within reason is fine. My questioning had me paying for a year of Jesus indoctrination private school. Epidemiologists are focused on a few metrics and don’t have to make the difficult risk analysis choices on economics and developmental damages to kids. But questioning shouldn’t lead to full blown bs contrarianism.
I'll never forget mentioning this in a physics class at UW and a EE lost his shit over it (not at me, ranting about the people that assert this about cell phones).
Physics was way too hard for me. I had to stick to rocks for jocks and bullying @creepycoug behind Kane Hall afterwards.
Yeah this foreign guy (Russian?) went off about how they purposefully ignore how the brain and skull aren't really affected by any of this. You could take from his ranting that he probably wanted to get into that space after school.
Mind you, this is 2008.
Any time someone wants to bring new science to refute the old science, I'm all for it. That's not what is being done here. Anecdotal evidence is being presented as data, and that's not how good science is done. There isn't any good data showing EMF causes cancer or genetic mutations, so why argue as if there is?
This has been studied extensively - and the results I've seen haven't supported the idea that EMF causes cancer. If there is peer-reviewed evidence that says otherwise, I'm not aware of it.
Gratuitous contrarianism is always a lazy ethos
I’m gonna switch to only drinking rain water and 100% pure grain alcohol.
I don't know how you can talk to these clods in good faith
Just trying to preach the gospel of vigorous exercise. Already have a few old man C2 converts.
There are boots that need licking
Get busy
When is the next UW crew garage sale?
i’ll ask my contacts next month @BleachedAnusDawg. I got mine in 2019 but during Covid times they had to put the garage sales on hold to find some cost savings.
Anyone know of a hotel gym in NY that has dumbbells bigger than 50 lbs and less than 10 individual yoga stations that take up 90 % of the square footage?