Demonrat lawfare in action. You can bet the only question for the candidates was "will you use lawfare against Trump and his administration at all times under all circumstances with no proof or legal precedent".
You apparently see no difference in the case of a judge lying under oath in one instance, and a judge ruling that since the US is not at war there is no legal justification for summary deportation. You are drawing a false equivalence in these cases.
You apparently see no conflicts of interest where two warfare judges' daughters just happen to be raking millions of dollars in fees from consulting engagements geared toward leftist programs and representing illegal aliens.
Roberts is such a colossal disappointment. Typical of the Bush clan. Give us one good one and one total turncoat turd. We got Alito, but had to take Roberts. His Dad gave us Thomas, but also Souter (you kidding me?).
Roberts is either compromised or an actual sleeper. As so many in our government are. Disgusting really. Odd how they are all compromised to side with the left.
Legislators seem to have time for everything except legislating
Seems interesting
Demonrat lawfare in action. You can bet the only question for the candidates was "will you use lawfare against Trump and his administration at all times under all circumstances with no proof or legal precedent".
You apparently see no difference in the case of a judge lying under oath in one instance, and a judge ruling that since the US is not at war there is no legal justification for summary deportation. You are drawing a false equivalence in these cases.
Secret cabals of judges. How very authoritarian. RICO conspiracy?
Tell us more about the CWU Law School. Prestigious Law Review?
You apparently see no conflicts of interest where two warfare judges' daughters just happen to be raking millions of dollars in fees from consulting engagements geared toward leftist programs and representing illegal aliens.
Follow the fucking money, fool.
Fuck off.
it's not so secret. Roberts is compromised.
ABC probably is too. Trump let his dick talk with that one.
I toss every CWU resume that I see. It’s an accounting degree diploma mill.
It's a bookkeeping program.
Roberts is such a colossal disappointment. Typical of the Bush clan. Give us one good one and one total turncoat turd. We got Alito, but had to take Roberts. His Dad gave us Thomas, but also Souter (you kidding me?).
If you want to get yourself a 50 year old assistant AP manager, CWU degree have a place (I guess).
The cabal doesn't want solutions. The cabal wants conflict and division.
It's how they keep the unwashed masses eyes off their corruption.
Congrats the usual. No counterargument, just your usual worn out and boring insults.
No one mentioned how the 'radical left activist ' was originally appointed by a GOP president.
Bush is a radical left wing activist.
Because no one cares
Literally addressed 5 posts up, kiddo.
Roberts is either compromised or an actual sleeper. As so many in our government are. Disgusting really. Odd how they are all compromised to side with the left.
By the "left" you mean anybody not in MAGA. You do realize it is possible to be conservative and not out of your fucking mind right?